Class composite photograph for Chicago-Kent College of Law class of 1938. Students pictured: John H. Adams Theodore Edward Anderson Harvey Errett Ballou James Foster Bierly Ben G. Bromberg Howard Thielmann Buck William H. Buys Frank W. Cauley George R. Cermak Calman Lester Chavin William J. Davis Clayton Fred Everett Bernard M. Feldman Harry J. Granat Robert Grenrock Richard Lee Ismond Norman Leland Kales Louis C. Karbiner George Robert Keller Jay Trude Kern Milton Jack Kolb Irving Kolodny A.A. Kreuter Walter T. Krouse Bernard Kurlansky Paul Levin Samuel H. Mages Arthur Joel Matenky Joseph J. McGovern James R. McGowan George William McGurn Francis R. Metzdorf Edward Berten Miller Bertell P. Morrissette Mark John Mourne Emil J. Mueller Josep...