A Fictional Mosaic of a City in Sherman’s Path John Mark Sibley-Jones begins By the Red Glarewith such startling images, both literally and symbolically powerful, that quoting a passage will serve to suggest a narrative unique in Civil War novels: The tree to whic...
Charles Price catapulted to the attention of Civil War readers three years ago with Hiwassee, an unu...
By Howard Bahr (Henry Holt hardcover, $25.00, ISBN: 0805067396, 7/2006; Picador paperback, $14.00, I...
Drawing from scant historical documentation and oral histories passed down by survivors, North Acros...
Humanizing Sherman A vision of Sherman\u27s March to the Sea The March is one of several recent Ci...
Howard Bahr is already well-known to readers as the author of the acclaimed novel The Black Flower, ...
Multiplying Perspectives from which to Understand the Civil War David Madden has enjoyed a long care...
So Red the Rose relates the Civil War-era sagas of two prominent fictive Mississippi families, both ...
A Civil War Love Story The American Civil War is easily one of the nation’s most dramatic and co...
Civil War Atrocity Nathan B. Forrest raid on Fort Pillow Andrew Ward is a professional writer wh...
Louisiana\u27s waterways: A world powered by steam Red River depicts not just Louisiana during th...
Shelby Foote at the Cross Roads of Our Being The Civil War was the crossroads of our being as a nat...
An Interdisciplinary Perspective of the Civil War David Madden is one of the South\u27s most produc...
A sharpshooter\u27s memory Surviving the Atlanta Campaign There has been much historical writing i...
Field Marshal Rommel drives on deep into Mississippi with William Faulkner It is a wonderful conver...
Once in a great while the publication of a book represents a passing of the torch from one generatio...
Charles Price catapulted to the attention of Civil War readers three years ago with Hiwassee, an unu...
By Howard Bahr (Henry Holt hardcover, $25.00, ISBN: 0805067396, 7/2006; Picador paperback, $14.00, I...
Drawing from scant historical documentation and oral histories passed down by survivors, North Acros...
Humanizing Sherman A vision of Sherman\u27s March to the Sea The March is one of several recent Ci...
Howard Bahr is already well-known to readers as the author of the acclaimed novel The Black Flower, ...
Multiplying Perspectives from which to Understand the Civil War David Madden has enjoyed a long care...
So Red the Rose relates the Civil War-era sagas of two prominent fictive Mississippi families, both ...
A Civil War Love Story The American Civil War is easily one of the nation’s most dramatic and co...
Civil War Atrocity Nathan B. Forrest raid on Fort Pillow Andrew Ward is a professional writer wh...
Louisiana\u27s waterways: A world powered by steam Red River depicts not just Louisiana during th...
Shelby Foote at the Cross Roads of Our Being The Civil War was the crossroads of our being as a nat...
An Interdisciplinary Perspective of the Civil War David Madden is one of the South\u27s most produc...
A sharpshooter\u27s memory Surviving the Atlanta Campaign There has been much historical writing i...
Field Marshal Rommel drives on deep into Mississippi with William Faulkner It is a wonderful conver...
Once in a great while the publication of a book represents a passing of the torch from one generatio...
Charles Price catapulted to the attention of Civil War readers three years ago with Hiwassee, an unu...
By Howard Bahr (Henry Holt hardcover, $25.00, ISBN: 0805067396, 7/2006; Picador paperback, $14.00, I...
Drawing from scant historical documentation and oral histories passed down by survivors, North Acros...