We begin with a brief survey of the theory of virtual knots, which was announced in 1996 by Kauffman. This leads naturally to the subject of quandles and quandle homology, which we also briefly introduce. Chapter 2 contains a proof in terms of Gauss diagrams that the forbidden moves unknot virtual knots. This chapter includes material which has appeared in the Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications and is reprinted here by permission of World Scientific Publishing. In chapter 3 (cowritten with my advisor R.A.Litherland) we confirm a conjecture of J.S.Carter et.al. that the long exact sequence in rack homology is split. We go on to show that for racks with homogeneous orbits, the lower bounds for the Betti numbers are exact. We end cha...
In the last 30 to 40 years, many researchers have combined to build the knowledge base of theory and...
Cet article propose de présenter une partie des résultats d'une recherche menée durant deux ans dans...
The Virgo detector aims at direct detection of the gravitational waves emitted by astropysical objec...
Survival data often contain geographical or spatial information, such as the residence of individual...
Monetary authorities enacted novel policies to exit the economic crisis of 2008. Fiscal backing of t...
This article proceeds on the basis of the assumption that insular discourse is not limited to a stri...
This article through a detailed study of Nikos Gatsos’s songwriting aims at showing that his controv...
In this article, we study the way in which the geocultural, insular space of diachronic Greece trans...
Cette thèse concerne l'élaboration d'un modèle dynamique pour des ballons dirigeables, la conception...
At the beginning of the eighteenth century, rough debates took place among English poets as to the r...
The interpretation of high throughput sequencing data is limited by our incomplete functional unders...
Georgia Southern Collaborates on Examination of Vigilance in Decision-Making among Dementia Family C...
Software is often capable of efficiently storing and managing data on computers. However, even softw...
The European Respiratory Society (ERS) accepted 4062 abstracts for presentation at the ERS Internati...
Die hybride Finanzierungsform bietet eine interessante Alternative zu klassischen Instrumenten
In the last 30 to 40 years, many researchers have combined to build the knowledge base of theory and...
Cet article propose de présenter une partie des résultats d'une recherche menée durant deux ans dans...
The Virgo detector aims at direct detection of the gravitational waves emitted by astropysical objec...
Survival data often contain geographical or spatial information, such as the residence of individual...
Monetary authorities enacted novel policies to exit the economic crisis of 2008. Fiscal backing of t...
This article proceeds on the basis of the assumption that insular discourse is not limited to a stri...
This article through a detailed study of Nikos Gatsos’s songwriting aims at showing that his controv...
In this article, we study the way in which the geocultural, insular space of diachronic Greece trans...
Cette thèse concerne l'élaboration d'un modèle dynamique pour des ballons dirigeables, la conception...
At the beginning of the eighteenth century, rough debates took place among English poets as to the r...
The interpretation of high throughput sequencing data is limited by our incomplete functional unders...
Georgia Southern Collaborates on Examination of Vigilance in Decision-Making among Dementia Family C...
Software is often capable of efficiently storing and managing data on computers. However, even softw...
The European Respiratory Society (ERS) accepted 4062 abstracts for presentation at the ERS Internati...
Die hybride Finanzierungsform bietet eine interessante Alternative zu klassischen Instrumenten
In the last 30 to 40 years, many researchers have combined to build the knowledge base of theory and...
Cet article propose de présenter une partie des résultats d'une recherche menée durant deux ans dans...
The Virgo detector aims at direct detection of the gravitational waves emitted by astropysical objec...