I AM My Sister\u27s Keeper: Considering the Experiences of African American Women Educators Working in Predominantly White Public School Systems

  • Flagg, Lelia L
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Publication date
September 2016


The stories of African American women educators are often not dominant narratives in the field of education. Scholarly readings often overlook, discard, or omit the perspectives and voices of African American women educators (Bloom & Erlandson, 2003); Mabokela & Madsen, 2007; Patton & Catching, 2009; Revere, 1986). Furthermore, stereotypes, misrepresentations, and misgivings about African American women are abundant in popular press and media. This dissertation served as an outlet to present the authentic storytelling of ten African American women educators (N=10) in their voices and own words. The historical omission of the voices of African American women has had wide-reaching, explicit, and inadvertent consequences. The outcomes, im...

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