Pottawatomies of Kansas and Indian Territory. [2259] Settlement of claims; treaty of 7 Aug. 1868; re...
Indians of the White Earth Agency. [2901] On allotments to these Chippewas in Minnesota; treaty of 1...
Omaha and Winnebago Reservations. [2818] Indians are leasing to whites the lands which have been all...
Winnebagoes of Minnesota. 15 Aug. HR 1450, 53-2, v4, 5p. [3272] Allotment and land patents
Winnebago Indians in Minnesota. 20 Dec. SR 738.53-3, vl. 2p. [3288] Concerning land patents
Report on the Winnebago Indians. [584] Claim against the tribe; adjustment under the treaty of 1 Nov...
On the Relief of the Winnebagoes. [1893] Lands cessions and removals under the treaties of 1838, 184...
Memorial of the Minnesota Legis. [1065] Ask removal of Winnebago Indians from lands set aside for th...
Winnebago Reservation in Nebraska. [2603] Sale of land to provide funds for improving their allotmen...
Resolution of the Minnesota Legis. [1619] School lands sold when the government conveyed the Winneba...
Report on Removal of Winnebago Indians. [446] Includes Memorial of Iowa Legis.; the neutral grounds...
Chippewas Indians, Minnesota. [3625] Amendments to a bill providing for allotments to be made on the...
Communication on the Winnebago Reservation. [1239] Said Indians from Minnesota after the Sioux upris...
Report : Claim of the Pottawatomies. [2808] Funds due under various treaties; referred to the Court ...
Pottawatomies and Winnebagoes in Wisconsin. [1689] Disposition of funds appropriated for said Indian...
Pottawatomies of Kansas and Indian Territory. [2259] Settlement of claims; treaty of 7 Aug. 1868; re...
Indians of the White Earth Agency. [2901] On allotments to these Chippewas in Minnesota; treaty of 1...
Omaha and Winnebago Reservations. [2818] Indians are leasing to whites the lands which have been all...
Winnebagoes of Minnesota. 15 Aug. HR 1450, 53-2, v4, 5p. [3272] Allotment and land patents
Winnebago Indians in Minnesota. 20 Dec. SR 738.53-3, vl. 2p. [3288] Concerning land patents
Report on the Winnebago Indians. [584] Claim against the tribe; adjustment under the treaty of 1 Nov...
On the Relief of the Winnebagoes. [1893] Lands cessions and removals under the treaties of 1838, 184...
Memorial of the Minnesota Legis. [1065] Ask removal of Winnebago Indians from lands set aside for th...
Winnebago Reservation in Nebraska. [2603] Sale of land to provide funds for improving their allotmen...
Resolution of the Minnesota Legis. [1619] School lands sold when the government conveyed the Winneba...
Report on Removal of Winnebago Indians. [446] Includes Memorial of Iowa Legis.; the neutral grounds...
Chippewas Indians, Minnesota. [3625] Amendments to a bill providing for allotments to be made on the...
Communication on the Winnebago Reservation. [1239] Said Indians from Minnesota after the Sioux upris...
Report : Claim of the Pottawatomies. [2808] Funds due under various treaties; referred to the Court ...
Pottawatomies and Winnebagoes in Wisconsin. [1689] Disposition of funds appropriated for said Indian...
Pottawatomies of Kansas and Indian Territory. [2259] Settlement of claims; treaty of 7 Aug. 1868; re...
Indians of the White Earth Agency. [2901] On allotments to these Chippewas in Minnesota; treaty of 1...
Omaha and Winnebago Reservations. [2818] Indians are leasing to whites the lands which have been all...