Colville Indian Reservation. 27 May. HR 1525, 52-1, v5, 1p. [3046] Action of the Com. on Indian Affa...
White Mountain Apache Reservation. [3048] Portion of reservation restored to the public domain
Report on Jurisdiction Over Indian Reservations. [1587] Amendments to a bill giving U.S. Courts excl...
Treaty with the Navajoes. 4 Feb. HR 2803, 54-2, v3, 1p. [3556] Action of the Com. on Indian Affairs
Report on Sioux Lands. [1712] Amendment to a bill providing for an agreement to be made with the Sio...
Navajo Indian Reservation. [3105] Regarding an Executive order to restore that part of said reservat...
Admission of New Mexico. 16 Mar. HR 736. 52-1. v3. 45p. [3044] Indian title to land not affected; ac...
Allotted Lands in Oklahoma. 23 Apr. HR 1457, 54-1, v6, 1p. [3462] Com. on Indian Affairs amends a bi...
Indian Reservations in Northern Montana. [2442] Right of way for railroads through Indian country; U...
Treaty with the Navajoes. 23 Feb. HD 310, 54-2, v58 , 17p. [3534] Made 1 June 1868; concerning remov...
Memorial of the Arizona Legis. [2451] On Navajoes roaming outside of their reservation
Admission of New Mexico. [2675] Land title issues involving Indians; Indian reservations occupied by...
Right of Way Through the Papago Reservation. [2069] To the Arizona Southern Railroad Co.; Arizona
Report on Indian Appropriations. [808] Amendments; for fulfilling treaty stipulations
Indians of Fort Hall Reservation. 19 Apr. SR 925, 55-2, v6, 1p. [3625] Amendments to a bill to ratif...
Colville Indian Reservation. 27 May. HR 1525, 52-1, v5, 1p. [3046] Action of the Com. on Indian Affa...
White Mountain Apache Reservation. [3048] Portion of reservation restored to the public domain
Report on Jurisdiction Over Indian Reservations. [1587] Amendments to a bill giving U.S. Courts excl...
Treaty with the Navajoes. 4 Feb. HR 2803, 54-2, v3, 1p. [3556] Action of the Com. on Indian Affairs
Report on Sioux Lands. [1712] Amendment to a bill providing for an agreement to be made with the Sio...
Navajo Indian Reservation. [3105] Regarding an Executive order to restore that part of said reservat...
Admission of New Mexico. 16 Mar. HR 736. 52-1. v3. 45p. [3044] Indian title to land not affected; ac...
Allotted Lands in Oklahoma. 23 Apr. HR 1457, 54-1, v6, 1p. [3462] Com. on Indian Affairs amends a bi...
Indian Reservations in Northern Montana. [2442] Right of way for railroads through Indian country; U...
Treaty with the Navajoes. 23 Feb. HD 310, 54-2, v58 , 17p. [3534] Made 1 June 1868; concerning remov...
Memorial of the Arizona Legis. [2451] On Navajoes roaming outside of their reservation
Admission of New Mexico. [2675] Land title issues involving Indians; Indian reservations occupied by...
Right of Way Through the Papago Reservation. [2069] To the Arizona Southern Railroad Co.; Arizona
Report on Indian Appropriations. [808] Amendments; for fulfilling treaty stipulations
Indians of Fort Hall Reservation. 19 Apr. SR 925, 55-2, v6, 1p. [3625] Amendments to a bill to ratif...
Colville Indian Reservation. 27 May. HR 1525, 52-1, v5, 1p. [3046] Action of the Com. on Indian Affa...
White Mountain Apache Reservation. [3048] Portion of reservation restored to the public domain
Report on Jurisdiction Over Indian Reservations. [1587] Amendments to a bill giving U.S. Courts excl...