Claims Arising Out of Indian Treaties. [2444] Bill establishing a board of com\u27rs to examine all claims involving Indians
Report on a Pottawatomie Treaty. [1708] Dated 27 Feb. 1867; on claims of the tribe for depredations ...
Indian Depredation Claims. [2688] Amounts paid out by the government because of said claims
Indian Depredation Claims. [2866] Claims investigated for fiscal 1890; lists tribes involved, dates,...
49-1Indian AffairsClaims Arising Out of Indian Treaties. [2444] Bill establishing a board of com'rs ...
Indian Depredation Claims. [2709] Bill giving U.S . district and circuit courts jurisdiction over sa...
Indian Depredation Claims. [2810] Select Com. on Indian Depredation Claims reports a bill creating a...
Extending the Jurisdiction of the Court of Claims. [1826] To cover claims arising under Indian treat...
Report on Indian Depredation Claims. [1067] In New Mexico; treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Pottawatomies Indian Treaty. [1823] White emigrant depredations upon Indian lands in Kansas; claims ...
Delaware Indians. [2066] Payment of claims for depredations committed by whites in Kansas as stipula...
Pottawatomie Treaty Obligations. [2811] Claims of tribe for depredations committed by whites
Eastern and Western Cherokees. [2456] Referral of claims under various treaties to the Court of Clai...
Indian Depredation Claims. [2399] Claims against Indians, and by Indians; claims filed and unpaid; l...
Report on Sioux Depredation Claims. [1206] As a result of the Sioux raid of 1862 in Minnesota; Sioux...
Indian Depredation Claims. [2303] Claims not heretofore reported; lists date, tribe, place, etc
Report on a Pottawatomie Treaty. [1708] Dated 27 Feb. 1867; on claims of the tribe for depredations ...
Indian Depredation Claims. [2688] Amounts paid out by the government because of said claims
Indian Depredation Claims. [2866] Claims investigated for fiscal 1890; lists tribes involved, dates,...
49-1Indian AffairsClaims Arising Out of Indian Treaties. [2444] Bill establishing a board of com'rs ...
Indian Depredation Claims. [2709] Bill giving U.S . district and circuit courts jurisdiction over sa...
Indian Depredation Claims. [2810] Select Com. on Indian Depredation Claims reports a bill creating a...
Extending the Jurisdiction of the Court of Claims. [1826] To cover claims arising under Indian treat...
Report on Indian Depredation Claims. [1067] In New Mexico; treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Pottawatomies Indian Treaty. [1823] White emigrant depredations upon Indian lands in Kansas; claims ...
Delaware Indians. [2066] Payment of claims for depredations committed by whites in Kansas as stipula...
Pottawatomie Treaty Obligations. [2811] Claims of tribe for depredations committed by whites
Eastern and Western Cherokees. [2456] Referral of claims under various treaties to the Court of Clai...
Indian Depredation Claims. [2399] Claims against Indians, and by Indians; claims filed and unpaid; l...
Report on Sioux Depredation Claims. [1206] As a result of the Sioux raid of 1862 in Minnesota; Sioux...
Indian Depredation Claims. [2303] Claims not heretofore reported; lists date, tribe, place, etc
Report on a Pottawatomie Treaty. [1708] Dated 27 Feb. 1867; on claims of the tribe for depredations ...
Indian Depredation Claims. [2688] Amounts paid out by the government because of said claims
Indian Depredation Claims. [2866] Claims investigated for fiscal 1890; lists tribes involved, dates,...