Eastern and Northern Judicial Districts of Texas. [2177] Parts of Indian Territory occupied by Choct...
Report on the Southern Boundary of Tennessee. 6 May. HR 445, 23-1, v3, 13p; [262] Chickasaw Indian l...
Resolution of the Texas Legis. [1944] Asks that the St. Louis and San Francisco Railway Company be g...
48-1Whole HouseBoundary Between Indian Territory and Texas [2253] Dispute over the line1884-2
47-1JudiciaryBoundary Between Texas and Indian Territory. [2069] Dispute over claim to land.1882-24
Boundary Line Between Colorado and Utah. [1825] Problems with the location of the Ute reservation
48-1TerritoriesBoundary Between Texas and Indian Territory. [2177] Dispute over the boundary line.18...
Boundary Between the U.S. and Texas. [2166] Survey of line between Texas and Choctaw and Chickasaw c...
50-1Report of the Texas Boundary Commission. [2550] Dispute over boundary between Texas and Indian T...
Report on the Iowa-Missouri Boundary. [370] Osage treaty of 1808; Iowa, Sac, and Fox Indian claims t...
Survey of the Western Boundary of Arkansas. [1838] Between Arkansas and Indian country; conflict ove...
Boundary of Choctaw and Chickasaw Country. [1343] Between Arkansas and Indian lands; treaty of 22 Ju...
Memorial of the Missouri Convention. Missouri-Iowa boundary; Indian boundary line
Report on the U.S.-Mexico Boundary. 15 Feb. SED 41, 32-2, v7, 32p. [6651] Apache depredations; enco...
Southern and Western Boundaries of Kansas. 23 Feb. SR 353, 50-1, v2, 3p. [2520] Involves the borders...
Eastern and Northern Judicial Districts of Texas. [2177] Parts of Indian Territory occupied by Choct...
Report on the Southern Boundary of Tennessee. 6 May. HR 445, 23-1, v3, 13p; [262] Chickasaw Indian l...
Resolution of the Texas Legis. [1944] Asks that the St. Louis and San Francisco Railway Company be g...
48-1Whole HouseBoundary Between Indian Territory and Texas [2253] Dispute over the line1884-2
47-1JudiciaryBoundary Between Texas and Indian Territory. [2069] Dispute over claim to land.1882-24
Boundary Line Between Colorado and Utah. [1825] Problems with the location of the Ute reservation
48-1TerritoriesBoundary Between Texas and Indian Territory. [2177] Dispute over the boundary line.18...
Boundary Between the U.S. and Texas. [2166] Survey of line between Texas and Choctaw and Chickasaw c...
50-1Report of the Texas Boundary Commission. [2550] Dispute over boundary between Texas and Indian T...
Report on the Iowa-Missouri Boundary. [370] Osage treaty of 1808; Iowa, Sac, and Fox Indian claims t...
Survey of the Western Boundary of Arkansas. [1838] Between Arkansas and Indian country; conflict ove...
Boundary of Choctaw and Chickasaw Country. [1343] Between Arkansas and Indian lands; treaty of 22 Ju...
Memorial of the Missouri Convention. Missouri-Iowa boundary; Indian boundary line
Report on the U.S.-Mexico Boundary. 15 Feb. SED 41, 32-2, v7, 32p. [6651] Apache depredations; enco...
Southern and Western Boundaries of Kansas. 23 Feb. SR 353, 50-1, v2, 3p. [2520] Involves the borders...
Eastern and Northern Judicial Districts of Texas. [2177] Parts of Indian Territory occupied by Choct...
Report on the Southern Boundary of Tennessee. 6 May. HR 445, 23-1, v3, 13p; [262] Chickasaw Indian l...
Resolution of the Texas Legis. [1944] Asks that the St. Louis and San Francisco Railway Company be g...