Appropriations for the Pottawatomies. [1513] To carry out stipulations of the treaties of 15 Nov. 18...
Report : Claim of the Michigan Indians. [1206] Amounts due the Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatomies...
Pottawatomie Indians. [2607] Claims against the U.S. under various treaty stipulations
47-1Whole HouseSettlement with Pottawatomies. [2069] Funds due said Indians of Michigan and Indiana ...
Pottawatomies of Indiana and Michigan. [2703] Amounts due under various treaties
Report : Claim of Pottawatomies of Indiana and Michigan. [2607] Funds due under various treaties
Report : Claim of the Pottawatomies. [2808] Funds due under various treaties; referred to the Court ...
Pottawatomies of Kansas and Indian Territory. [2259] Settlement of claims; treaty of 7 Aug. 1868; re...
Mexican Pottawatomies. [2068] Funds due said Indians under the treaty of 27 Feb. 1867
Report : Claim of the Pottawatomies. [2812] Amounts due the tribe under various treaties
Report : Petition of the Pottawatomies. [1483] Payments due Indians remaining in Michigan and Indian...
Mexican Pottawatomies of Kansas. [2253] Final settlements with said Indians under the treaty of 27 F...
Mem. of Michigan and Indiana Indians. 16 Jan. HMD 32, 41-3, v1, 8p. [1462] Amounts due Pottawatomies...
Appropriation for the Pottawatomie Indians. [1460] Division of tribal funds under the treaty of 15 N...
Memorial of Indians in Michigan and Indiana. [1653] Pottawatomies (exempted from removal under the t...
Appropriations for the Pottawatomies. [1513] To carry out stipulations of the treaties of 15 Nov. 18...
Report : Claim of the Michigan Indians. [1206] Amounts due the Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatomies...
Pottawatomie Indians. [2607] Claims against the U.S. under various treaty stipulations
47-1Whole HouseSettlement with Pottawatomies. [2069] Funds due said Indians of Michigan and Indiana ...
Pottawatomies of Indiana and Michigan. [2703] Amounts due under various treaties
Report : Claim of Pottawatomies of Indiana and Michigan. [2607] Funds due under various treaties
Report : Claim of the Pottawatomies. [2808] Funds due under various treaties; referred to the Court ...
Pottawatomies of Kansas and Indian Territory. [2259] Settlement of claims; treaty of 7 Aug. 1868; re...
Mexican Pottawatomies. [2068] Funds due said Indians under the treaty of 27 Feb. 1867
Report : Claim of the Pottawatomies. [2812] Amounts due the tribe under various treaties
Report : Petition of the Pottawatomies. [1483] Payments due Indians remaining in Michigan and Indian...
Mexican Pottawatomies of Kansas. [2253] Final settlements with said Indians under the treaty of 27 F...
Mem. of Michigan and Indiana Indians. 16 Jan. HMD 32, 41-3, v1, 8p. [1462] Amounts due Pottawatomies...
Appropriation for the Pottawatomie Indians. [1460] Division of tribal funds under the treaty of 15 N...
Memorial of Indians in Michigan and Indiana. [1653] Pottawatomies (exempted from removal under the t...
Appropriations for the Pottawatomies. [1513] To carry out stipulations of the treaties of 15 Nov. 18...
Report : Claim of the Michigan Indians. [1206] Amounts due the Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatomies...
Pottawatomie Indians. [2607] Claims against the U.S. under various treaty stipulations