Chippewas Indians, Minnesota. [3625] Amendments to a bill providing for allotments to be made on the...
Issuance of Land Patents, and Sale of Lands. 19 May. HR 1892, 54-1, v8, 1p. [3464] Involves the Swan...
Memorial of the Wisconsin Legis. [511] Propose a treaty with the Menomonees to extinguish their titl...
44-1CommerceImprovement of the Oconto River. [1667] Would require working within the Menomonee reser...
Report on Navigation of Rivers in Wisconsin. [388] Prevention of Indian disturbances
Cedar Rapids. Iowa Falls, and Northwestern Railway Co. [2605] Right of way through the Pipe Stone In...
Settlers in Wyoming. [2068] Improvements made in the Wind River Valley encorporated into the Shoshon...
Relief of the Stockbridge and Munsee Indians. 15 Feb. SMD 54, 52-2. vl. 2p. [3064] On allotments of ...
Report on Improvements of the Red River. [868] Navigation of the river reaches far into the Indian c...
Marinette and Western Railroad Co. 15 Feb. HR 692, 52-1, v3, 3p. [ 3044] Right of way through the Me...
This report from the United States (US Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, dated Augus...
Sale of Timber Reserved for Menomonees. [2810] From their reservation in Wisconsin
Blue Mountain Irrigation and Improvement Co. [2915] Right of way for reservoir and canals through th...
Bands of Chippewas in Wisconsin. [1866] Consolidation of the Lac de Flambeau, Bad River, and Lec Cou...
Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railway Co. 17 June. HR 1588, 55-2, v6, 2p. [3722] Bill authorizes the c...
Chippewas Indians, Minnesota. [3625] Amendments to a bill providing for allotments to be made on the...
Issuance of Land Patents, and Sale of Lands. 19 May. HR 1892, 54-1, v8, 1p. [3464] Involves the Swan...
Memorial of the Wisconsin Legis. [511] Propose a treaty with the Menomonees to extinguish their titl...
44-1CommerceImprovement of the Oconto River. [1667] Would require working within the Menomonee reser...
Report on Navigation of Rivers in Wisconsin. [388] Prevention of Indian disturbances
Cedar Rapids. Iowa Falls, and Northwestern Railway Co. [2605] Right of way through the Pipe Stone In...
Settlers in Wyoming. [2068] Improvements made in the Wind River Valley encorporated into the Shoshon...
Relief of the Stockbridge and Munsee Indians. 15 Feb. SMD 54, 52-2. vl. 2p. [3064] On allotments of ...
Report on Improvements of the Red River. [868] Navigation of the river reaches far into the Indian c...
Marinette and Western Railroad Co. 15 Feb. HR 692, 52-1, v3, 3p. [ 3044] Right of way through the Me...
This report from the United States (US Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, dated Augus...
Sale of Timber Reserved for Menomonees. [2810] From their reservation in Wisconsin
Blue Mountain Irrigation and Improvement Co. [2915] Right of way for reservoir and canals through th...
Bands of Chippewas in Wisconsin. [1866] Consolidation of the Lac de Flambeau, Bad River, and Lec Cou...
Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railway Co. 17 June. HR 1588, 55-2, v6, 2p. [3722] Bill authorizes the c...
Chippewas Indians, Minnesota. [3625] Amendments to a bill providing for allotments to be made on the...
Issuance of Land Patents, and Sale of Lands. 19 May. HR 1892, 54-1, v8, 1p. [3464] Involves the Swan...
Memorial of the Wisconsin Legis. [511] Propose a treaty with the Menomonees to extinguish their titl...