Appropriation for the Seminoles. [1510] For reservation buildings; treaty of 1 Mar. 1866
Appropriations for Various Indian Tribes. [1195] Treaty of 2 July 1863 with the eastern bands of Sho...
Letter on Creek Annuities. [1646] Appropriation necessary under the treaties of 24 Jan. 1826, 14 Feb...
Appropriation for the Indian Dept. 12 Jan. HED 50, 42-2, v7, 2p. [1510] Required to promote educatio...
Agency Buildings in Creek Seminole Country. [1460] Appropriation for the erection of buildings
42-2AppropriationsAppropriation for the Seminoles. [1510] For reservation buildings; treaty of 1 Mar...
Appropriation for a General Indian Council. [1565] In Indian Territory; under treaties of 1866 with ...
Expenses of General Indian Council. [1607] Estimate of appropriation for a Creek, Cherokee, Seminole...
Matters of Appropriation and Legislation Concerning Indians. [1442] Locating Indians in Indian Terri...
Appropriations for the Pottawatomies. [1513] To carry out stipulations of the treaties of 15 Nov. 18...
Appropriations to the Creeks. [1372] To carry into effect the treaty of 14 June 1866
Letter on the Ottawa Indians of Kansas. [1161] Sums due these Indians under the treaty of 24 June 18...
Appropriations for Delaware Indians. [1418] To fulfill the treaty of 4 July 1866; dissolution of tri...
Agreement fixing a time after which no person shall be enrolled as a Seminole citizen, and providing...
Appropriation for the Indian Service. [1418] For the payment of claims against Kiowas, Comanches, an...
Letter on Red Cloud and Whetstone Indian Agencies. [1610] Appropriation for subsisting the Sioux at ...
Appropriations for Various Indian Tribes. [1195] Treaty of 2 July 1863 with the eastern bands of Sho...
Letter on Creek Annuities. [1646] Appropriation necessary under the treaties of 24 Jan. 1826, 14 Feb...
Appropriation for the Indian Dept. 12 Jan. HED 50, 42-2, v7, 2p. [1510] Required to promote educatio...
Agency Buildings in Creek Seminole Country. [1460] Appropriation for the erection of buildings
42-2AppropriationsAppropriation for the Seminoles. [1510] For reservation buildings; treaty of 1 Mar...
Appropriation for a General Indian Council. [1565] In Indian Territory; under treaties of 1866 with ...
Expenses of General Indian Council. [1607] Estimate of appropriation for a Creek, Cherokee, Seminole...
Matters of Appropriation and Legislation Concerning Indians. [1442] Locating Indians in Indian Terri...
Appropriations for the Pottawatomies. [1513] To carry out stipulations of the treaties of 15 Nov. 18...
Appropriations to the Creeks. [1372] To carry into effect the treaty of 14 June 1866
Letter on the Ottawa Indians of Kansas. [1161] Sums due these Indians under the treaty of 24 June 18...
Appropriations for Delaware Indians. [1418] To fulfill the treaty of 4 July 1866; dissolution of tri...
Agreement fixing a time after which no person shall be enrolled as a Seminole citizen, and providing...
Appropriation for the Indian Service. [1418] For the payment of claims against Kiowas, Comanches, an...
Letter on Red Cloud and Whetstone Indian Agencies. [1610] Appropriation for subsisting the Sioux at ...
Appropriations for Various Indian Tribes. [1195] Treaty of 2 July 1863 with the eastern bands of Sho...
Letter on Creek Annuities. [1646] Appropriation necessary under the treaties of 24 Jan. 1826, 14 Feb...
Appropriation for the Indian Dept. 12 Jan. HED 50, 42-2, v7, 2p. [1510] Required to promote educatio...