36-1Military AffairsReport on Appropriations for an lndian War. [1039] War of 1855-1856 in Oregon an...
Report on Payment of Troops. [593] Bounty land and extra pay to Indian volunteers
Indian War Expenses of Kansas. [1935] Expenses of the State in suppressing Indian hostilities during...
Report on War Claims. 9 Feb. SED 24, 35-1, v7, 16p. [924] or HED 45, 35-1, v9, 16p. [ 955] Expenses ...
Report on Expenses of an Indian War. [868] In Oregon and Washington during 1855-1856
Claims Arising Due to an Indian War. 10 Feb. HED 11, 36-1, v4, 132p. [1046] Indian war in Washington...
Report on Indian Hostilities in Washington and Oregon During 1855-1856. [1643] Year ending 30 June 1...
Memorial of the Oregon Legis. [866] Expenses of war with Yakima, Klickatat, Wallah-Wallah, and Snake...
Indian Hostilities in Certain Territories. [1545] Expenses incurred by Washington and Oregon during ...
Oregon Rebellion War Claims. 19 Dec . SED 17 , 51-1, v3 , 699p. [2680) Expenditures on control of ho...
Report on Expenses of Suppressing Indian Hostilities in California. 22 June. HR 660, 36-1, v4, 2p. [...
Estimate of Appropriations for the Indian Dept. [356] For 1840 (House version includes explanatory s...
Report on Montana War Claims. [1548] Expenses of supressing the Indian war of 1867
On the Relief of Oregon. [1838] Expenses of suppressing the Modoc war in 1872-1873
War Claims of California, Nevada, and Oregon. [3042] Suppression of hostile Indians during the Civil...
36-1Military AffairsReport on Appropriations for an lndian War. [1039] War of 1855-1856 in Oregon an...
Report on Payment of Troops. [593] Bounty land and extra pay to Indian volunteers
Indian War Expenses of Kansas. [1935] Expenses of the State in suppressing Indian hostilities during...
Report on War Claims. 9 Feb. SED 24, 35-1, v7, 16p. [924] or HED 45, 35-1, v9, 16p. [ 955] Expenses ...
Report on Expenses of an Indian War. [868] In Oregon and Washington during 1855-1856
Claims Arising Due to an Indian War. 10 Feb. HED 11, 36-1, v4, 132p. [1046] Indian war in Washington...
Report on Indian Hostilities in Washington and Oregon During 1855-1856. [1643] Year ending 30 June 1...
Memorial of the Oregon Legis. [866] Expenses of war with Yakima, Klickatat, Wallah-Wallah, and Snake...
Indian Hostilities in Certain Territories. [1545] Expenses incurred by Washington and Oregon during ...
Oregon Rebellion War Claims. 19 Dec . SED 17 , 51-1, v3 , 699p. [2680) Expenditures on control of ho...
Report on Expenses of Suppressing Indian Hostilities in California. 22 June. HR 660, 36-1, v4, 2p. [...
Estimate of Appropriations for the Indian Dept. [356] For 1840 (House version includes explanatory s...
Report on Montana War Claims. [1548] Expenses of supressing the Indian war of 1867
On the Relief of Oregon. [1838] Expenses of suppressing the Modoc war in 1872-1873
War Claims of California, Nevada, and Oregon. [3042] Suppression of hostile Indians during the Civil...
36-1Military AffairsReport on Appropriations for an lndian War. [1039] War of 1855-1856 in Oregon an...
Report on Payment of Troops. [593] Bounty land and extra pay to Indian volunteers
Indian War Expenses of Kansas. [1935] Expenses of the State in suppressing Indian hostilities during...