Letter on Affairs in Oregon. [1051] Correspondence of Gen. Harney; war with the Spokane, Coeur d\u27Alene, Nez Perce, Walla-Walla, and other Indians of the Northwest; copies of treaties made
Message on Indian Difficulties in Oregon. 29 May. SED 47, 30-1, v6, 8p. [508] War with the Cayuse In...
Expedition from the Dalles of the Columbia River to the Great Salt Lake. [1031] Encounters with Snak...
Capt. Hall\u27s Co. of Volunteers. 9 Dec. SED 6, 51-1, v1, 20p. [2678] Service in the Cayuse war; 18...
Gen. Harney\u27s Administration in Oregon. 31 Jan. HED 51, 36-2 , v9, 3p. [1100] Of the military dep...
36-1Letter on Affairs in Oregon. [1051] Correspondence of Gen. Harney; war with the Spokane, Coeur d...
Message on Indian Hostilities in Oregon and Washinton Territories. [859] Reports on the Indian war i...
Message on Indian Hostilities on the Northwest Coast. [858] In Oregon and Washington Territories
Oregon Rebellion War Claims. 19 Dec . SED 17 , 51-1, v3 , 699p. [2680) Expenditures on control of ho...
Report on War Claims. 9 Feb. SED 24, 35-1, v7, 16p. [924] or HED 45, 35-1, v9, 16p. [ 955] Expenses ...
Indian Hostilities in Certain Territories. [1545] Expenses incurred by Washington and Oregon during ...
Oregon Volunteers. [2612] Capt. Hall\u27s co. which served in the Cayuse war of 1848
Modoc War Claims. [1645] Claims of Oregon, California, and citizens of those States arising from the...
Reports Made by Army Officers. 13 June. SED 113, 53-2, v4, 6p. [3163] From Fort Lane, Oregon, during...
Memorial of the Oregon Legis. [866] Expenses of war with Yakima, Klickatat, Wallah-Wallah, and Snake...
Volunteer Troops Guarding Mail Routes. 16 Jan. SED 70 , 50-2, v2 , 366p. [2611] Overland routes to t...
Message on Indian Difficulties in Oregon. 29 May. SED 47, 30-1, v6, 8p. [508] War with the Cayuse In...
Expedition from the Dalles of the Columbia River to the Great Salt Lake. [1031] Encounters with Snak...
Capt. Hall\u27s Co. of Volunteers. 9 Dec. SED 6, 51-1, v1, 20p. [2678] Service in the Cayuse war; 18...
Gen. Harney\u27s Administration in Oregon. 31 Jan. HED 51, 36-2 , v9, 3p. [1100] Of the military dep...
36-1Letter on Affairs in Oregon. [1051] Correspondence of Gen. Harney; war with the Spokane, Coeur d...
Message on Indian Hostilities in Oregon and Washinton Territories. [859] Reports on the Indian war i...
Message on Indian Hostilities on the Northwest Coast. [858] In Oregon and Washington Territories
Oregon Rebellion War Claims. 19 Dec . SED 17 , 51-1, v3 , 699p. [2680) Expenditures on control of ho...
Report on War Claims. 9 Feb. SED 24, 35-1, v7, 16p. [924] or HED 45, 35-1, v9, 16p. [ 955] Expenses ...
Indian Hostilities in Certain Territories. [1545] Expenses incurred by Washington and Oregon during ...
Oregon Volunteers. [2612] Capt. Hall\u27s co. which served in the Cayuse war of 1848
Modoc War Claims. [1645] Claims of Oregon, California, and citizens of those States arising from the...
Reports Made by Army Officers. 13 June. SED 113, 53-2, v4, 6p. [3163] From Fort Lane, Oregon, during...
Memorial of the Oregon Legis. [866] Expenses of war with Yakima, Klickatat, Wallah-Wallah, and Snake...
Volunteer Troops Guarding Mail Routes. 16 Jan. SED 70 , 50-2, v2 , 366p. [2611] Overland routes to t...
Message on Indian Difficulties in Oregon. 29 May. SED 47, 30-1, v6, 8p. [508] War with the Cayuse In...
Expedition from the Dalles of the Columbia River to the Great Salt Lake. [1031] Encounters with Snak...
Capt. Hall\u27s Co. of Volunteers. 9 Dec. SED 6, 51-1, v1, 20p. [2678] Service in the Cayuse war; 18...