Reimbursement for Moneys Expended. [2523] During the Paiute war of 1860 in Utah Territory, and other...
Report on the Condition of Utah. 23 July. HR 96, 39-1, v1, 29p. [1272] Depredations committed by Mor...
Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Arthur. 4 Dec. HED 1, 48-1 , v1-13 , 9914p. [2181-2...
33-2Military AffairsReport on Suppression of Indian Hostilities. [808] In Utah territory during 1853...
Suppressing Indian Hostilites in Utah. [1416] Expenses of supressing Ute and Navajo hostilies during...
36-1Military AffairsExpenses of Supressing Indian Hostilities. [1068] In Utah during 1853.1860-6
R-M of Suter, Lea, and Company. 26 May. HR 601, 36-1, v4, 1p. [1070] Expenses of suppression of Indi...
Memorial of the Utah Legis. [1402] Ask appropriation to cover costs of an Indian war in said Territo...
Report : Claim of Certain Persons. [2709] Expenditures in suppressing Paiute hostilities of 1860 in...
Report on Expenses of an Indian War. [868] In Oregon and Washington during 1855-1856
Estimates for Indian Service in Utah. 13 Mar. HMD 32, 36-1, v5, 4p. [1064] For the years 1858, 1859,...
Indian War Expenses of Kansas. [1935] Expenses of the State in suppressing Indian hostilities during...
Relief of Certain States and Territories. [2273] Expenses of suppressing Indian hostilities; Texas, ...
Report on Expenses of Suppressing Indian Hostilities in California. 22 June. HR 660, 36-1, v4, 2p. [...
Persons Reimbursed for Moneys Expended. 29 Jan. SR 144, 54-1, v1, 13p. [3362] Suppression of Pah-Ute...
Reimbursement for Moneys Expended. [2523] During the Paiute war of 1860 in Utah Territory, and other...
Report on the Condition of Utah. 23 July. HR 96, 39-1, v1, 29p. [1272] Depredations committed by Mor...
Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Arthur. 4 Dec. HED 1, 48-1 , v1-13 , 9914p. [2181-2...
33-2Military AffairsReport on Suppression of Indian Hostilities. [808] In Utah territory during 1853...
Suppressing Indian Hostilites in Utah. [1416] Expenses of supressing Ute and Navajo hostilies during...
36-1Military AffairsExpenses of Supressing Indian Hostilities. [1068] In Utah during 1853.1860-6
R-M of Suter, Lea, and Company. 26 May. HR 601, 36-1, v4, 1p. [1070] Expenses of suppression of Indi...
Memorial of the Utah Legis. [1402] Ask appropriation to cover costs of an Indian war in said Territo...
Report : Claim of Certain Persons. [2709] Expenditures in suppressing Paiute hostilities of 1860 in...
Report on Expenses of an Indian War. [868] In Oregon and Washington during 1855-1856
Estimates for Indian Service in Utah. 13 Mar. HMD 32, 36-1, v5, 4p. [1064] For the years 1858, 1859,...
Indian War Expenses of Kansas. [1935] Expenses of the State in suppressing Indian hostilities during...
Relief of Certain States and Territories. [2273] Expenses of suppressing Indian hostilities; Texas, ...
Report on Expenses of Suppressing Indian Hostilities in California. 22 June. HR 660, 36-1, v4, 2p. [...
Persons Reimbursed for Moneys Expended. 29 Jan. SR 144, 54-1, v1, 13p. [3362] Suppression of Pah-Ute...
Reimbursement for Moneys Expended. [2523] During the Paiute war of 1860 in Utah Territory, and other...
Report on the Condition of Utah. 23 July. HR 96, 39-1, v1, 29p. [1272] Depredations committed by Mor...
Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Arthur. 4 Dec. HED 1, 48-1 , v1-13 , 9914p. [2181-2...