Some circuits have also taken the position that when a court rules on an arbitration order in an embedded proceeding and dismisses the remaining claims in the action, those decisions are also not final or appealable. Other circuits, however, have taken the view that when a court rules on an arbitration order and dismisses the remaining claims in an action, such a decision is final and appealable. A decision on an arbitration order in an independent action is a final decision. This Note explores the circuit split over the issue of whether orders compelling arbitration in embedded proceedings may be classified as final decisions when the district court dismisses the remaining claims. Randolph v. Green Tree Financial Corp. addresses this issue...
S. M. Wolff Co. v. Tulkoff, 9 N.Y.2d 356, 214 N.Y.S.2d 374 (1961), reversing 11 A.D.2d 656, 203 N.Y....
The issue presented in Six Clinics Holding Corporation, I v. Cafcomp Systems, Inc., is whether a cou...
By creating new rules to fill in the gaps left by the FAA, the federal circuit courts may have muddi...
Some circuits have also taken the position that when a court rules on an arbitration order in an emb...
The United States Supreme Court in Green Tree Financial Corp. - Alabama v. Randolph dealt with two a...
The enactment of § 16 of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) afforded courts with specific guidelines ...
This Note attempts to resolve the conflict among the courts of appeals by examining the interests af...
Recently, in Arthur Anderson LLP v. Carlisle, the Supreme Court resolved a split between the circuit...
The issue of injunctive relief pending arbitration stems from the language of the Federal Arbitratio...
Published in cooperation with the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolutio
This Note will proceed in five sections. Section II will set forth the factual framework of the Scha...
Parties to arbitration agreements sometimes invoke the judicial system to litigate collateral issues...
The Roberts Court\u27s expansive interpretation of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) has ushered in ...
The Federal Arbitration Act ( FAA ) allows for arbitration to be a medium by which parties may settl...
In response to rising litigation costs and overburdened court dockets, parties are realizing the opp...
S. M. Wolff Co. v. Tulkoff, 9 N.Y.2d 356, 214 N.Y.S.2d 374 (1961), reversing 11 A.D.2d 656, 203 N.Y....
The issue presented in Six Clinics Holding Corporation, I v. Cafcomp Systems, Inc., is whether a cou...
By creating new rules to fill in the gaps left by the FAA, the federal circuit courts may have muddi...
Some circuits have also taken the position that when a court rules on an arbitration order in an emb...
The United States Supreme Court in Green Tree Financial Corp. - Alabama v. Randolph dealt with two a...
The enactment of § 16 of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) afforded courts with specific guidelines ...
This Note attempts to resolve the conflict among the courts of appeals by examining the interests af...
Recently, in Arthur Anderson LLP v. Carlisle, the Supreme Court resolved a split between the circuit...
The issue of injunctive relief pending arbitration stems from the language of the Federal Arbitratio...
Published in cooperation with the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolutio
This Note will proceed in five sections. Section II will set forth the factual framework of the Scha...
Parties to arbitration agreements sometimes invoke the judicial system to litigate collateral issues...
The Roberts Court\u27s expansive interpretation of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) has ushered in ...
The Federal Arbitration Act ( FAA ) allows for arbitration to be a medium by which parties may settl...
In response to rising litigation costs and overburdened court dockets, parties are realizing the opp...
S. M. Wolff Co. v. Tulkoff, 9 N.Y.2d 356, 214 N.Y.S.2d 374 (1961), reversing 11 A.D.2d 656, 203 N.Y....
The issue presented in Six Clinics Holding Corporation, I v. Cafcomp Systems, Inc., is whether a cou...
By creating new rules to fill in the gaps left by the FAA, the federal circuit courts may have muddi...