Payday lending may provide a much-needed safety net for some consumers in need of quick cash for emergencies. However, data suggest that most payday loan borrowers become repeat users caught in a cycle of high-cost debt. Furthermore, empirical evidence indicates consistent overrepresentation of women, including many single mothers, among payday loan borrowers. This takes a toll not only on these women and their families, but also on society as a whole. Indeed, context matters in payday lending debates. It is thus time to think creatively and consider contextualized programs that aim to increase women’s and all consumers’ safe borrowing options, provide education regarding those options, and ultimately assist them in escaping cycles of debt ...
Since payday lenders came on the scene in 1990s, regulation of their predatory practices has been ...
The economics and finance literature on mortgage lending is unclear with respect...
The paper considers the gendered impact of debt relief and associated policy conditions, and points ...
Payday lending may provide a much-needed safety net for some consumers in need of quick cash for eme...
In promoting well-being for women and female-headed households, social policy analysts are increasin...
2019 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Outstanding household debt in the U.S. has grown dra...
The field of social work is becoming increasingly savvy regarding the financial lives of people, but...
Using gender as a theoretical framework, we analyse the dynamics of bank lending to small- and mediu...
Payday lending is controversial. In the states that allow it, payday lenders make cash loans that ar...
Borrowing for undergraduate education has become an increasingly important means of meeting the risi...
The payday loan, or more generally, the deferred deposit loan, is among the most contentious forms o...
Payday lending is a service that was intended to provide emergency financial relief to those who can...
This Article argues that banks, which face both regulatory and public pressures to maintain good pra...
This dissertation examines the financial position of payday borrowers using the most detailed nation...
Payday loans are controversial high cost, short-term lending products, banned in many US states. But...
Since payday lenders came on the scene in 1990s, regulation of their predatory practices has been ...
The economics and finance literature on mortgage lending is unclear with respect...
The paper considers the gendered impact of debt relief and associated policy conditions, and points ...
Payday lending may provide a much-needed safety net for some consumers in need of quick cash for eme...
In promoting well-being for women and female-headed households, social policy analysts are increasin...
2019 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Outstanding household debt in the U.S. has grown dra...
The field of social work is becoming increasingly savvy regarding the financial lives of people, but...
Using gender as a theoretical framework, we analyse the dynamics of bank lending to small- and mediu...
Payday lending is controversial. In the states that allow it, payday lenders make cash loans that ar...
Borrowing for undergraduate education has become an increasingly important means of meeting the risi...
The payday loan, or more generally, the deferred deposit loan, is among the most contentious forms o...
Payday lending is a service that was intended to provide emergency financial relief to those who can...
This Article argues that banks, which face both regulatory and public pressures to maintain good pra...
This dissertation examines the financial position of payday borrowers using the most detailed nation...
Payday loans are controversial high cost, short-term lending products, banned in many US states. But...
Since payday lenders came on the scene in 1990s, regulation of their predatory practices has been ...
The economics and finance literature on mortgage lending is unclear with respect...
The paper considers the gendered impact of debt relief and associated policy conditions, and points ...