Farming the front line

  • Smith, Ron J.
  • Isleem, Martin
Publication date
January 2017
Informa UK Limited


UN OCHA, the international body tasked with the documentation of the impacts of the ongoing conflict and occupation in Israel and Palestine, noted as early as 2009 that the No Go Zones imposed by the Israeli military represented a taking of 30% of the total arable land in Gaza (UN OCHA OPT 2010. ‘Between the Fence and a Hard Place.’ UN OCHA Special Reports, 1–36). This taking, as part of a larger siege on Gaza, creates great difficulty for farmers attempting to support the nutritional needs of the population of the territory. These zones, coupled with the increasing reliance on unreliable food aid provided by the United Nations, undermines independent development and food sustainability within the Gaza Strip. In response, a small number of ...

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