Basement of Sheppard home showing window and ash removal door underneath first floor fireplace
Murder room facing west - note the wall light above dresser
Basement of Sheppard home showing punching bag
Door leading out cellar entrance to basement
Looking down basement steps showing corner of door to crawl spacehttps://engagedscholarship.csuohio....
Basement stairs showing door at foot of stairs that leads to crawl spacehttps://engagedscholarship.c...
Looking up stairs from first floor to open doorway of murder roomhttps://engagedscholarship.csuohio....
Murder room from southwest corner showing bed with victim and sheet removedhttps://engagedscholarshi...
Bottom of first floor stairway showing railing and portion of pillow from daybed. Superimposed arrow...
Living showing more staging, more superimposed arrows on carpet.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.e...
Radiator cover in murder room located to the right of the second twin bedhttps://engagedscholarship....
Murder room facing west - note the wall light above dresser
Basement of Sheppard home showing punching bag
Door leading out cellar entrance to basement
Looking down basement steps showing corner of door to crawl spacehttps://engagedscholarship.csuohio....
Basement stairs showing door at foot of stairs that leads to crawl spacehttps://engagedscholarship.c...
Looking up stairs from first floor to open doorway of murder roomhttps://engagedscholarship.csuohio....
Murder room from southwest corner showing bed with victim and sheet removedhttps://engagedscholarshi...
Bottom of first floor stairway showing railing and portion of pillow from daybed. Superimposed arrow...
Living showing more staging, more superimposed arrows on carpet.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.e...
Radiator cover in murder room located to the right of the second twin bedhttps://engagedscholarship....
Murder room facing west - note the wall light above dresser