Pasal 59 Undang-Undang Tahun 2008 mengatur tentang calon pimpinan daerah dari calon perseorangan. Pasal ini sebenarnya mengadopsi perkembangan sosiologis dan desakan dari masyarakat Indonesia yang menginginkan demokrasi. Yakni dari rakyat oleh rakyat untuk rakyat. Keinginan itu sudah diakomodir dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 12 tahun 2008. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif yakni meneliti semua aturan yang terkait dengan Pemilu. Dalam penelitian ini bisa disimpulkan bahwa verivikasi Paslon Walikota Partai Politik dan Perseorangan yang dilakukan Komisi Pemilihan Undang-Undangmu Kota Kediri sudah sesuai dengan yang diatur dalam Pasal 59 Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2008. 
Since the 2004, election of the president and vice president made directly by the people. Normativel...
The research is aimed to explore voter behaviour. This research is to identify factors that influen...
The purpose of this research is to explain the effectiveness of mass media and political attitude th...
Pasal 59 Undang-Undang Tahun 2008 mengatur tentang calon pimpinan daerah dari calon perseorang...
Voting behavior in the presidential election is a set of activities to determine thedecision in choo...
ABSTRAKPerilaku pemilih masyarakat adalah aspek penting yang menunjang keberhasilan suatu pelaksanaa...
The purpose of this study to determine the political behavior of voters in the election of the pres...
Party democracy in Indonesia was held as a political event in choosing members of the legislature an...
Beginner voter behavior is a person's behavior in its choice are considered most suitable or most pr...
This Research aims to determine how political behavior of society particularly in the use of voting ...
The presidential election is a form of democratic party in a country to elect a head of state who wi...
Election is one manifestation of democracy, where the principle of democracy itself is giving a voic...
Dalam banyak Negara demokrasi pemilihan pemimpin  dilakukan melalui sistem pemunggutan suara sebaga...
Dalam banyak Negara demokrasi pemilihan pemimpin  dilakukan melalui sistem pemunggutan suara sebaga...
Local election democracy has been instrumental in increasing the political partaicipation of society...
Since the 2004, election of the president and vice president made directly by the people. Normativel...
The research is aimed to explore voter behaviour. This research is to identify factors that influen...
The purpose of this research is to explain the effectiveness of mass media and political attitude th...
Pasal 59 Undang-Undang Tahun 2008 mengatur tentang calon pimpinan daerah dari calon perseorang...
Voting behavior in the presidential election is a set of activities to determine thedecision in choo...
ABSTRAKPerilaku pemilih masyarakat adalah aspek penting yang menunjang keberhasilan suatu pelaksanaa...
The purpose of this study to determine the political behavior of voters in the election of the pres...
Party democracy in Indonesia was held as a political event in choosing members of the legislature an...
Beginner voter behavior is a person's behavior in its choice are considered most suitable or most pr...
This Research aims to determine how political behavior of society particularly in the use of voting ...
The presidential election is a form of democratic party in a country to elect a head of state who wi...
Election is one manifestation of democracy, where the principle of democracy itself is giving a voic...
Dalam banyak Negara demokrasi pemilihan pemimpin  dilakukan melalui sistem pemunggutan suara sebaga...
Dalam banyak Negara demokrasi pemilihan pemimpin  dilakukan melalui sistem pemunggutan suara sebaga...
Local election democracy has been instrumental in increasing the political partaicipation of society...
Since the 2004, election of the president and vice president made directly by the people. Normativel...
The research is aimed to explore voter behaviour. This research is to identify factors that influen...
The purpose of this research is to explain the effectiveness of mass media and political attitude th...