An overview of the National LMFBR Fuel Development Program is presented which includes a brief review of fuel performance concerns and issues and highlights of current fuel testing activities in EBR-II and the FFTF
The Shippingport Light Water Breeder Reactor (LWBR) was a small water cooled, U-233/Th-232 cycle bre...
Uranium plutonium oxide is the principal fuel material for liquid metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBR...
The Fuel Performance Improvement Program has as its objective the identification and demonstration o...
Key issues concerning LMFBR safety are reviewed. A brief discussion of alternate fuel cycles for pre...
Each nation involved in LMFBR development has its unique energy strategies which consider energy gro...
This report is a compilation of Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) resource documents prepared to provide th...
In FY-76, Task 3 of Contract E(04-3)-893 consisted of the following programs: fuel rod chemistry and...
Experiments and experience relative to the safety of advanced fuel elements for the liquid metal fas...
Task 3 of Contract AT(04-3)-893 consists of the following programs: a thermodynamic data program inv...
Information is presented under the following section headings: LMFBR program options and their compa...
Rather than attempt a cataloging of the various fast neutron facilities developed and used in this c...
The status of breeder reprocessing technology and implementation worldwide and the role of the Breed...
Research and development progress is reported on radiation effects on LMFBR fuels, overall evaluatio...
The US Liquid Metal Reactor Development Program has been restructured to take advantage of the oppor...
The fast breeder reactor (FBR) cycle enabling the effective use of uranium as a semi-permanent resou...
The Shippingport Light Water Breeder Reactor (LWBR) was a small water cooled, U-233/Th-232 cycle bre...
Uranium plutonium oxide is the principal fuel material for liquid metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBR...
The Fuel Performance Improvement Program has as its objective the identification and demonstration o...
Key issues concerning LMFBR safety are reviewed. A brief discussion of alternate fuel cycles for pre...
Each nation involved in LMFBR development has its unique energy strategies which consider energy gro...
This report is a compilation of Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) resource documents prepared to provide th...
In FY-76, Task 3 of Contract E(04-3)-893 consisted of the following programs: fuel rod chemistry and...
Experiments and experience relative to the safety of advanced fuel elements for the liquid metal fas...
Task 3 of Contract AT(04-3)-893 consists of the following programs: a thermodynamic data program inv...
Information is presented under the following section headings: LMFBR program options and their compa...
Rather than attempt a cataloging of the various fast neutron facilities developed and used in this c...
The status of breeder reprocessing technology and implementation worldwide and the role of the Breed...
Research and development progress is reported on radiation effects on LMFBR fuels, overall evaluatio...
The US Liquid Metal Reactor Development Program has been restructured to take advantage of the oppor...
The fast breeder reactor (FBR) cycle enabling the effective use of uranium as a semi-permanent resou...
The Shippingport Light Water Breeder Reactor (LWBR) was a small water cooled, U-233/Th-232 cycle bre...
Uranium plutonium oxide is the principal fuel material for liquid metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBR...
The Fuel Performance Improvement Program has as its objective the identification and demonstration o...