This study aims to determine the periodicity feeding climbing perch caught in the waters of the swamp Malintang-Baru district-Gambut-Banjar district of South Kalimantan. The number of samples of fish caught 180 tail using fishing gear cash net. pick up a fish sampling during 24 hours, with an interval of 4 hours, ie at 20.00, 24.00, 04.00, 08.00, 12.00, and 16.00. Feeding periodicity analysis performed by calculating the fullness of the stomach contents are expressed as a percent. To determine the relationship between feeding periodicity with the fullness of the stomach contents, use statistical tests completely randomized design (CRD). The analysis showed that feeding periodicity affect the fullness of the stomach contents, at 20:00 fullne...
Mystacoleucus padangensis is relatively small Cyprinids that commonly inhabit theToba Lake and surro...
One of an fishery commodity in Ujung Pangkah is flatfish ( Cynoglossus lingua). This study was condu...
Tilapia Genetically Supermale Indonesian (tilapia Gesit) was a kind superiormale, since 98-100 perce...
This study aims to determine the periodicity feeding climbing perch caught in the waters of the swam...
This study aims to determine the composition and value of the natural feed niche of trough fish caug...
Betok (A. testudineus) yang dilihat berdasarkan makanan utama yang dimakan oleh ikan terse...
The research aims to analyze several biological aspects of the squeezed fish in Batutegi Lampung Res...
Pristolepis grooti (Anabantidae) is a freshwater fish that commonly present in the flooded swamp are...
Feed is an important factor in the process of aquaculture. In addition to the accuracy of the amount...
A research was conducted from 3 Desember 2014 to 1 January 2015 at the Laboratory of Fish Hatchery a...
A study aims to understand stomach analysis of Trichogaster pectoralis present in thecanals at Tangk...
Research about comparative study of food types of fish Keperas (P. binotatus) inthe river of Aek Pah...
The research aimed to describe diet composition of Thynnichthyes polylepis. The diet compositions of...
Pangasius polyuranodon is one of freshwater fishes that inhabit the Siak River in Riau. This fish ha...
The feeding rate and the feeding frequency influencing the growth and survival rate of fish. The obj...
Mystacoleucus padangensis is relatively small Cyprinids that commonly inhabit theToba Lake and surro...
One of an fishery commodity in Ujung Pangkah is flatfish ( Cynoglossus lingua). This study was condu...
Tilapia Genetically Supermale Indonesian (tilapia Gesit) was a kind superiormale, since 98-100 perce...
This study aims to determine the periodicity feeding climbing perch caught in the waters of the swam...
This study aims to determine the composition and value of the natural feed niche of trough fish caug...
Betok (A. testudineus) yang dilihat berdasarkan makanan utama yang dimakan oleh ikan terse...
The research aims to analyze several biological aspects of the squeezed fish in Batutegi Lampung Res...
Pristolepis grooti (Anabantidae) is a freshwater fish that commonly present in the flooded swamp are...
Feed is an important factor in the process of aquaculture. In addition to the accuracy of the amount...
A research was conducted from 3 Desember 2014 to 1 January 2015 at the Laboratory of Fish Hatchery a...
A study aims to understand stomach analysis of Trichogaster pectoralis present in thecanals at Tangk...
Research about comparative study of food types of fish Keperas (P. binotatus) inthe river of Aek Pah...
The research aimed to describe diet composition of Thynnichthyes polylepis. The diet compositions of...
Pangasius polyuranodon is one of freshwater fishes that inhabit the Siak River in Riau. This fish ha...
The feeding rate and the feeding frequency influencing the growth and survival rate of fish. The obj...
Mystacoleucus padangensis is relatively small Cyprinids that commonly inhabit theToba Lake and surro...
One of an fishery commodity in Ujung Pangkah is flatfish ( Cynoglossus lingua). This study was condu...
Tilapia Genetically Supermale Indonesian (tilapia Gesit) was a kind superiormale, since 98-100 perce...