A morphometric and morphologic catalog of ~100 small craters imaged by the Opportunity rover over the 33.5 km traverse between Eagle and Endeavour craters on Meridiani Planum shows craters in six stages of degradation that range from fresh and blocky to eroded and shallow depressions ringed by planed off rim blocks. The age of each morphologic class from <50–200 ka to ~20 Ma has been determined from the size‐frequency distribution of craters in the catalog, the retention age of small craters on Meridiani Planum, and the age of the latest phase of ripple migration. The rate of degradation of the craters has been determined from crater depth, rim height, and ejecta removal over the class age. These rates show a rapid decrease from ~1 m/Myr fo...
Martian highland craters typically lack ejecta deposits, have no noticeable rim, and are flat floore...
Within the oldest highland units on Mars, the record of crater degradation indicates that fluvial re...
Abstract Crater counting is a method which allows us to estimate the surface ages of the planetary ...
A morphometric and morphologic catalog of ~100 small craters imaged by the Opportunity rover over th...
Rocky ejecta craters (RECs) at the Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and He...
[1] Results from simulation modeling of crater degradation by fluvial and eolian processes are compa...
[1] Erosion rates derived from the Gusev cratered plains and the erosion of weak sulfates by saltati...
The modification of impact craters has long been used to infer the geomorphic forcing on Mars [1], a...
Crater degradation on Mars is a key to understand erosion through time. Strongly eroded craters in t...
Fluvial erosion on Mars has been nonuniform in both time and space. Viking orbiter images reveal a v...
The Opportunity rover has traversed portions of two western rim segments of Endeavour, a 22 km-diame...
The amount of water runoff need to evolve landscapes is rarely assessed. Empirical studies correlate...
The Mars Exploration Rovers investigated numerous craters in Gusev crater and Meridiani Planum durin...
Because Mars lacks a global magnetic field or protective ozone layer, its surface is unshielded to h...
[1] The density of impact craters calibrated against lunar data is currently the only quantitative m...
Martian highland craters typically lack ejecta deposits, have no noticeable rim, and are flat floore...
Within the oldest highland units on Mars, the record of crater degradation indicates that fluvial re...
Abstract Crater counting is a method which allows us to estimate the surface ages of the planetary ...
A morphometric and morphologic catalog of ~100 small craters imaged by the Opportunity rover over th...
Rocky ejecta craters (RECs) at the Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and He...
[1] Results from simulation modeling of crater degradation by fluvial and eolian processes are compa...
[1] Erosion rates derived from the Gusev cratered plains and the erosion of weak sulfates by saltati...
The modification of impact craters has long been used to infer the geomorphic forcing on Mars [1], a...
Crater degradation on Mars is a key to understand erosion through time. Strongly eroded craters in t...
Fluvial erosion on Mars has been nonuniform in both time and space. Viking orbiter images reveal a v...
The Opportunity rover has traversed portions of two western rim segments of Endeavour, a 22 km-diame...
The amount of water runoff need to evolve landscapes is rarely assessed. Empirical studies correlate...
The Mars Exploration Rovers investigated numerous craters in Gusev crater and Meridiani Planum durin...
Because Mars lacks a global magnetic field or protective ozone layer, its surface is unshielded to h...
[1] The density of impact craters calibrated against lunar data is currently the only quantitative m...
Martian highland craters typically lack ejecta deposits, have no noticeable rim, and are flat floore...
Within the oldest highland units on Mars, the record of crater degradation indicates that fluvial re...
Abstract Crater counting is a method which allows us to estimate the surface ages of the planetary ...