Formation of a garnet clinopyroxenite restite may have important physicochemical consequences for deep crustal and mantle processes. We have experimentally simulated the dehydration-melting of amphibolite, and report the modal and compositional evoltuion of the mafic granulitic mineral assemblage (the restite), with an emphasis on garnet. A natural, low-K, calcic amphibolite was powdered and run in sealed, gold capsules in a piston-cylinder apparatus at 10 kbar, 750-1000°C, 1 to 9-day runs, and fO_2~ Ni-NiO. Garnet first appears in 8-day runs at 825±25°C. Above 850°C, clinopyroxene and poikilitic garnet comprise most of the restite. Garnet peaks at 950°C (at ~32 vol.% of the material within the capsule, or 41 vol.% of the restite assemblage...