This paper describes an investigation of the dynamics and acoustics of cloud cavitation, the structures which are often formed by the periodic breakup and collapse of a sheet or vortex cavity. This form of cavitation frequently causes severe noise and damage, though the precise mechanism responsible for the enhancement of these adverse effects is not fully understood. In this paper, we investigate the large impulsive surface pressures generated by this type of cavitation and correlate these with the images from high-speed motion pictures. This reveals that several types of propagating structures (shock waves) are formed in a collapsing cloud and dictate the dynamics and acoustics of collapse. One type of shock wave structure is associat...
In many cavitating liquid flows, when the number and concentration of the bubbles exceeds some criti...
The nonlinear dynamics of a spherical cloud of cavitation bubbles have been simulated numerically in...
Observations have been made of the growth and collapse of surface and cloud cavitation on a finite a...
This paper describes an investigation of the dynamics and acoustics of cloud cavitation, the structu...
Thie paper described experimental and computational investigations of the dynamics of clouds of cavi...
One of the most destructive (and noisy) forms of cavitation is that referred to as "cloud cavitation...
Calculations of the collapse dynamics of a cloud of cavitation bubbles confirm the speculations of M...
This paper describes investigations of the dynamics and acoustics of clouds of cavitation bubbles. ...
A recent significant advance in our understanding of cavitating flows is the importance of the inter...
Abstract: One of the most destructive (and noisy) forms of cavitation is that referred to as \cloud ...
The focus of this paper is the numerical simulation of the dynamics and acoustics of a cloud of cavi...
Abstract: Calculations of the collapse dynamics of a cloud of cavitation bub-bles confirm the specul...
This paper describes an experimental investigation of the large unsteady and impulsive pressures whi...
Cloud cavitation, often formed by the breakdown of a sheet or vortex cavity, is believed to be respo...
A numerical simulation of the collapse of a cloud of bubbles has been used to demonstrate the develo...
In many cavitating liquid flows, when the number and concentration of the bubbles exceeds some criti...
The nonlinear dynamics of a spherical cloud of cavitation bubbles have been simulated numerically in...
Observations have been made of the growth and collapse of surface and cloud cavitation on a finite a...
This paper describes an investigation of the dynamics and acoustics of cloud cavitation, the structu...
Thie paper described experimental and computational investigations of the dynamics of clouds of cavi...
One of the most destructive (and noisy) forms of cavitation is that referred to as "cloud cavitation...
Calculations of the collapse dynamics of a cloud of cavitation bubbles confirm the speculations of M...
This paper describes investigations of the dynamics and acoustics of clouds of cavitation bubbles. ...
A recent significant advance in our understanding of cavitating flows is the importance of the inter...
Abstract: One of the most destructive (and noisy) forms of cavitation is that referred to as \cloud ...
The focus of this paper is the numerical simulation of the dynamics and acoustics of a cloud of cavi...
Abstract: Calculations of the collapse dynamics of a cloud of cavitation bub-bles confirm the specul...
This paper describes an experimental investigation of the large unsteady and impulsive pressures whi...
Cloud cavitation, often formed by the breakdown of a sheet or vortex cavity, is believed to be respo...
A numerical simulation of the collapse of a cloud of bubbles has been used to demonstrate the develo...
In many cavitating liquid flows, when the number and concentration of the bubbles exceeds some criti...
The nonlinear dynamics of a spherical cloud of cavitation bubbles have been simulated numerically in...
Observations have been made of the growth and collapse of surface and cloud cavitation on a finite a...