A Local Cost-sharing Plan for Watersheds Under the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act

  • Ziegler, Henry N.
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Publication date
January 1957
Open PRAIRIE: Open Public Research Access Institutional Repository and Information Exchange


Henry N. The “Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act” as amended was passed for the purpose of initiating a program to eliminate or reduce flood damages as well as to promote better use of land through better control of water. The multi-responsibility feature of Public Law 566 and the amended portion, Public Law 1018, attempts to coordinate the talents of the Federal and State agencies with that of the local sponsoring group. The latter has a large share of the responsibility of carrying out the successful operation of the project. One of the important features of the law is the Federal and local sharing of costs. Under Public Law 566 the local groups shall assume several non-Federal costs. They must provide monies for acquiring ease...

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