The writer in this problem is deeply concerned with those high school students who are preparing themselves for the future and are going to college. Naturally colleges as well as students and their parents are interested in factors which make for success in college. Several of these are well known, such as, general mental ability, keen interest in college work, good study habits, regular attention to college tasks and definite vocational choice. The last of these mentioned, definite vocational choice has been subjected to less research than any of the others. This study has as its objective to determine if the more capable students, in terms of better scholastic ability, had made their vocational choices as they began their college work and...
Can a high school such as Milbank High School use with reliable results the General Aptitude Test Ba...
For some time educators have been concerned with the problems of the gifted student and with the pro...
In 1956 and 1957 college counselors felt a need for information concerning what South Dakota student...
For many years at Aberdeen, South Dakota, a difference of opinion has existed regarding the relative...
The writer in this problem is attempting to measure the achievement of freshman students of vocation...
The general thesis underlying this study is that a student\u27s absolute change between expectations...
Introduction - Problems: The object of this investigation is six-fold: first, to evaluate organizati...
This study will concentrate on one small, yet vital, public--the public composed of high school seni...
Prediction of future performance is attempted in almost every field of endeavor. The accuracy varies...
The purpose of this problem is to determine from the transcripts of graduates of accredited South Da...
Statement of the Problem: It is the problem of this investigation to analyze by use of statistical m...
A college admissions committee must examine and weigh carefully the qualifications of those applying...
There has been a great deal of speculation and controversy over discipline in the schools of the wor...
This research problem is a study of the use of advisory councils in vocational agriculture departmen...
Two slightly related developments in recent years have greatly affected the general character of Ame...
Can a high school such as Milbank High School use with reliable results the General Aptitude Test Ba...
For some time educators have been concerned with the problems of the gifted student and with the pro...
In 1956 and 1957 college counselors felt a need for information concerning what South Dakota student...
For many years at Aberdeen, South Dakota, a difference of opinion has existed regarding the relative...
The writer in this problem is attempting to measure the achievement of freshman students of vocation...
The general thesis underlying this study is that a student\u27s absolute change between expectations...
Introduction - Problems: The object of this investigation is six-fold: first, to evaluate organizati...
This study will concentrate on one small, yet vital, public--the public composed of high school seni...
Prediction of future performance is attempted in almost every field of endeavor. The accuracy varies...
The purpose of this problem is to determine from the transcripts of graduates of accredited South Da...
Statement of the Problem: It is the problem of this investigation to analyze by use of statistical m...
A college admissions committee must examine and weigh carefully the qualifications of those applying...
There has been a great deal of speculation and controversy over discipline in the schools of the wor...
This research problem is a study of the use of advisory councils in vocational agriculture departmen...
Two slightly related developments in recent years have greatly affected the general character of Ame...
Can a high school such as Milbank High School use with reliable results the General Aptitude Test Ba...
For some time educators have been concerned with the problems of the gifted student and with the pro...
In 1956 and 1957 college counselors felt a need for information concerning what South Dakota student...