Bronze casting of symmetric sculpture
Bronze tetrahedron with entire center empty
Bronze sculpture with four vertical and four radial holes, and a twisting pattern of carved surfaces...
Bronze knot made with three cylindrical rods going around the knot, and they are twisted so that the...
Bronze casting symmetric sculpture
Bronze casting, single twist
Bronze casting, single twist
white paper symmetric sculpture
Bronze tetrahedron; surfaces concavely curved inwards, and edges twisted
Three bronze triangles of thin metal rod soldered together
White paper symmetric sculpture.
Bronze tetrahedron, surfaces concavely curved inwards, and edges twisted
Full Borromean rings sculpture made with bronze
Three bronze triangles of thin metal rod soldered together
Bronze tetrahedron with entire center empty
Full Borromean rings sculpture made with bronze
Bronze tetrahedron with entire center empty
Bronze sculpture with four vertical and four radial holes, and a twisting pattern of carved surfaces...
Bronze knot made with three cylindrical rods going around the knot, and they are twisted so that the...
Bronze casting symmetric sculpture
Bronze casting, single twist
Bronze casting, single twist
white paper symmetric sculpture
Bronze tetrahedron; surfaces concavely curved inwards, and edges twisted
Three bronze triangles of thin metal rod soldered together
White paper symmetric sculpture.
Bronze tetrahedron, surfaces concavely curved inwards, and edges twisted
Full Borromean rings sculpture made with bronze
Three bronze triangles of thin metal rod soldered together
Bronze tetrahedron with entire center empty
Full Borromean rings sculpture made with bronze
Bronze tetrahedron with entire center empty
Bronze sculpture with four vertical and four radial holes, and a twisting pattern of carved surfaces...
Bronze knot made with three cylindrical rods going around the knot, and they are twisted so that the...