The Middle Mountain shear zone (MMSZ) and the brittle Upper detachment, two west-dipping normal fault systems, and the 25.3 Ma Red Butte stocks are exposed in a metamorphic core complex in northwest Utah, in the central Grouse Creek Mountains. 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology and kinematic studies indicate two periods of motion along the MMSZ in Eocene and Late Oligocene to Early Miocene time and motion along the sub-parallel Upper detachment in Middle Miocene time. Eocene fabrics record top-to-the-305 noncoaxial shear and are cut by the Red Butte stock and associated leucocratic dikes and sills. The Oligo-Miocene fabric exhibits a foliation parallel to the first, records top-to-the-275 noncoaxial shear, deforms the Red Butte stocks and overprint...