47-2Public LandsCreation of Additional Land Districts in Dakota. [2159] To handle lands to be ceded ...
27-2Public LandsReport on an Additional Land Office in Iowa. [407] Indian boundary line.1842-1
47-1Indian AffairsUmatilla Reservation Lands. [2070] Allotment of lands in severalty; Oregon.1882-28
49-2Public LandsAdditional Land District in Oregon. [2500] Area would embrace the Fort Klamath India...
29-2Public LandsReport on Oregon Territory. [501] Cost of extinguishing Indian title to land.1847-2
49-1Public LandsLand Districts in Dakota. [2436] Creation of additional land districts to handle bus...
50-1Indian AffairsUmatilla Reservation in Oregon. [2603] Sale of surplus land following allotment to...
49-2Indian AffairsLand for Indian Training School. [2500] Purchase of land in Oregon.1887-
47-1Indian AffairsUmatilla Lands in Oregon. [2066] Disposal of reservation lands adjacent to the tow...
45-3Public LandsKlamath Indian Reservation Lands. [1866] Claims of land owners within the reservatio...
Report on an Additional Land District in New Mexico. [1586] Navajo and Apache hostilities upon minin...
44-1Public LandsReport on the Klamath Reservation. [1708] Set aside under the treaty of 1864; claims...
44-1Public LandsReport on Mission Lands. [1708] Stations among the Indians in Idaho, Oregon, Montana...
25-2Public LandsReport on Land Offices. [333] Sac and Fox lands; Wisconsin.1838-
45-3Public LandsKlamath Indian Reservation. [1838] Claims of settlers on reservation lands prior to ...
47-2Public LandsCreation of Additional Land Districts in Dakota. [2159] To handle lands to be ceded ...
27-2Public LandsReport on an Additional Land Office in Iowa. [407] Indian boundary line.1842-1
47-1Indian AffairsUmatilla Reservation Lands. [2070] Allotment of lands in severalty; Oregon.1882-28
49-2Public LandsAdditional Land District in Oregon. [2500] Area would embrace the Fort Klamath India...
29-2Public LandsReport on Oregon Territory. [501] Cost of extinguishing Indian title to land.1847-2
49-1Public LandsLand Districts in Dakota. [2436] Creation of additional land districts to handle bus...
50-1Indian AffairsUmatilla Reservation in Oregon. [2603] Sale of surplus land following allotment to...
49-2Indian AffairsLand for Indian Training School. [2500] Purchase of land in Oregon.1887-
47-1Indian AffairsUmatilla Lands in Oregon. [2066] Disposal of reservation lands adjacent to the tow...
45-3Public LandsKlamath Indian Reservation Lands. [1866] Claims of land owners within the reservatio...
Report on an Additional Land District in New Mexico. [1586] Navajo and Apache hostilities upon minin...
44-1Public LandsReport on the Klamath Reservation. [1708] Set aside under the treaty of 1864; claims...
44-1Public LandsReport on Mission Lands. [1708] Stations among the Indians in Idaho, Oregon, Montana...
25-2Public LandsReport on Land Offices. [333] Sac and Fox lands; Wisconsin.1838-
45-3Public LandsKlamath Indian Reservation. [1838] Claims of settlers on reservation lands prior to ...
47-2Public LandsCreation of Additional Land Districts in Dakota. [2159] To handle lands to be ceded ...
27-2Public LandsReport on an Additional Land Office in Iowa. [407] Indian boundary line.1842-1
47-1Indian AffairsUmatilla Reservation Lands. [2070] Allotment of lands in severalty; Oregon.1882-28