27-2Public LandsOn the Relief of Arkansas Citizens. [409] Creek Indian treaty.1842-7
Protection of Western Frontier of Arkansas. [415] Asks increased force to control Indian hostilities
R-M of the Arkansas Gen. Assembly. 12 Feb. SR 297, 30-2, v1, 1p. [535] Bounty land for those serving...
Mem. of the Cherokee, Creek, and Choctaw ations. 23 May. SMD 143, 41-2, v1, 12p. [1408] Against terr...
25-2Public LandsReport : Memorial of the Arkansas Legis. [333] Ask indemnity for loss of improvement...
24-1Public LandsReport : Memorial of the Arkansas Legis. [293] Cession of a portion of that territor...
Report on Land Donations in Arkansas. [868] Cherokee cession under the treaty of 23 May 1828
54-2Indian AffairsMemorial of the Creek Indians. [3470] Concerning their rejection of an agreement s...
47-2Public LandsCherokee Indian Lands. [2087] On title to a tract of land situated along the Arkansa...
25-2Public LandsReport on Improvements Lost. [335] Under the Choctaw treaty of 1825; Choctaw and Che...
26-1ClaimsMemorial of the Alabama Legis. [365] Creek depredations; treaty of 24 Mar. 1832.1840-2
30-1Public LandsReport on Donation Claims in Arkansas. [526] Treaty of 23 May 1828 with western Cher...
On the Relief of Reps. of J. Donnelson et al. 4 June. SR 301, 35-1, v2, 2p. [939] Adjustment of the ...
On the Relief of C. Hedges. [1667] Supplies to the Yankton Sioux during 1866-1867
34-3Private Land ClaimsReport : Memorial of J. Hall. [912] Cession of land in Arkansas to the Cherok...
Memorial Of the Alabama Gen. Assembly. [339] Creek depredations of 1836; treaty of 24 Mar. 183
Protection of Western Frontier of Arkansas. [415] Asks increased force to control Indian hostilities
R-M of the Arkansas Gen. Assembly. 12 Feb. SR 297, 30-2, v1, 1p. [535] Bounty land for those serving...
Mem. of the Cherokee, Creek, and Choctaw ations. 23 May. SMD 143, 41-2, v1, 12p. [1408] Against terr...
25-2Public LandsReport : Memorial of the Arkansas Legis. [333] Ask indemnity for loss of improvement...
24-1Public LandsReport : Memorial of the Arkansas Legis. [293] Cession of a portion of that territor...
Report on Land Donations in Arkansas. [868] Cherokee cession under the treaty of 23 May 1828
54-2Indian AffairsMemorial of the Creek Indians. [3470] Concerning their rejection of an agreement s...
47-2Public LandsCherokee Indian Lands. [2087] On title to a tract of land situated along the Arkansa...
25-2Public LandsReport on Improvements Lost. [335] Under the Choctaw treaty of 1825; Choctaw and Che...
26-1ClaimsMemorial of the Alabama Legis. [365] Creek depredations; treaty of 24 Mar. 1832.1840-2
30-1Public LandsReport on Donation Claims in Arkansas. [526] Treaty of 23 May 1828 with western Cher...
On the Relief of Reps. of J. Donnelson et al. 4 June. SR 301, 35-1, v2, 2p. [939] Adjustment of the ...
On the Relief of C. Hedges. [1667] Supplies to the Yankton Sioux during 1866-1867
34-3Private Land ClaimsReport : Memorial of J. Hall. [912] Cession of land in Arkansas to the Cherok...
Memorial Of the Alabama Gen. Assembly. [339] Creek depredations of 1836; treaty of 24 Mar. 183
Protection of Western Frontier of Arkansas. [415] Asks increased force to control Indian hostilities
R-M of the Arkansas Gen. Assembly. 12 Feb. SR 297, 30-2, v1, 1p. [535] Bounty land for those serving...
Mem. of the Cherokee, Creek, and Choctaw ations. 23 May. SMD 143, 41-2, v1, 12p. [1408] Against terr...