49-2Military AffairsMilitary Instruction. [2456] For the cavalry; pursuit of marauding Indians.1886-27
50-1Military AffairsEfficiency of the Infantry. [2519] Needed to cope with the Sioux and other India...
Appropriation for Cavalry Horses. 11 Mar. HD 299, 54-1, v61, 2p. [3428] For Indian scouts and others
Chart33-2Ways and MeansReport on Army Appropriations. [808] To control Indian hostilities.1855-4
49-1Military AffairsSchool of Military Instruction. [2441] For cavalry and light artillery to be loc...
48-1Indian AffairsMilitary Academy West of the Mississippi River. [2175] For the training of Indian ...
49-1Military AffairsMilitary Quarters in Wyoming and Nebraska. [2444] Forts Russell, Robinson, and N...
50-1Military AffairsImprovements at Forts Robinson and Niobrara. [2603] Located in Nebraska near the...
47-1Indian AffairsTraining Schools for Indian Youths. [2066] Bill providing for establishment of ind...
49-1Military AffairsInfantry Branch of the Army . [2358] Reduction not advised because of "savage Si...
Repair of Military Quarters. [2360] At Forts Robinson. Niobrara, and Russell in Nebraska and Wyoming...
Cavalry in New Mexico and Arizona. [2436] Hostilities of the Chiricahua Apaches under the leadership...
51-2Military AffairsFort Abraham Lincoln. [2827] In North Dakota, near the Sioux reservations.1891-1...
52-1Public LandsFort Randall Military Reservation. [2915] Use of lands by Nebraska for school purpos...
46-1Indian AffairsIndustrial Training Schools for Indian Youths. [1934] Under treaties with the Chey...
Reorganization of the Line of the Army. 19 Jan. HR 2548, 54-2, v2, 12p. [3555] Report takes into con...
50-1Military AffairsEfficiency of the Infantry. [2519] Needed to cope with the Sioux and other India...
Appropriation for Cavalry Horses. 11 Mar. HD 299, 54-1, v61, 2p. [3428] For Indian scouts and others
Chart33-2Ways and MeansReport on Army Appropriations. [808] To control Indian hostilities.1855-4
49-1Military AffairsSchool of Military Instruction. [2441] For cavalry and light artillery to be loc...
48-1Indian AffairsMilitary Academy West of the Mississippi River. [2175] For the training of Indian ...
49-1Military AffairsMilitary Quarters in Wyoming and Nebraska. [2444] Forts Russell, Robinson, and N...
50-1Military AffairsImprovements at Forts Robinson and Niobrara. [2603] Located in Nebraska near the...
47-1Indian AffairsTraining Schools for Indian Youths. [2066] Bill providing for establishment of ind...
49-1Military AffairsInfantry Branch of the Army . [2358] Reduction not advised because of "savage Si...
Repair of Military Quarters. [2360] At Forts Robinson. Niobrara, and Russell in Nebraska and Wyoming...
Cavalry in New Mexico and Arizona. [2436] Hostilities of the Chiricahua Apaches under the leadership...
51-2Military AffairsFort Abraham Lincoln. [2827] In North Dakota, near the Sioux reservations.1891-1...
52-1Public LandsFort Randall Military Reservation. [2915] Use of lands by Nebraska for school purpos...
46-1Indian AffairsIndustrial Training Schools for Indian Youths. [1934] Under treaties with the Chey...
Reorganization of the Line of the Army. 19 Jan. HR 2548, 54-2, v2, 12p. [3555] Report takes into con...
50-1Military AffairsEfficiency of the Infantry. [2519] Needed to cope with the Sioux and other India...
Appropriation for Cavalry Horses. 11 Mar. HD 299, 54-1, v61, 2p. [3428] For Indian scouts and others
Chart33-2Ways and MeansReport on Army Appropriations. [808] To control Indian hostilities.1855-4