Report on the Reduction of Price of Miami Lands. 28 Mar. HR 434, 30-1 , v2, 2p. [525] Miami treaties...
Report on Fort Ripley, Minnesota. [912] Winnebago reservation; Indians removed there in 1848
Resolution of the Indiana Legis. [544] Grant of land for a university; would be within the Miami lan...
Report on Pre-emption. [446] Lands acquired by treaty from the Miami Indians; Indiana
28-1Public LandsReport on Settlers. [446] On lands acquired from the Miami and Pottawatomie Indians....
29-1Public LandsReport on Pre-emption to Actual Settlers. [489] On land acquired by treaty from the ...
Report on Lands in Florida. 19 Dec. HR 9, 20-2, v1, 1p. [190) Land granted to an Indian chief in tre...
24-1Public LandsReport on Pre-emption Rights in Alabama. [295] Concerns settlers on lands ceded to t...
Resol. of Indiana Legis. 1 Feb. SD 191, 25-2, v3, 2p. [316] Asks to be able to purchase the Miami In...
31-1Public LandsReport : Petition of Citizens of Indiana. [585] Land cessions by Miami treaties.1850...
An Act that extended the preemption laws to alternate reserved sections of public lands along the li...
R-M of the Alabama Legis. 18 Jan. HR 434, 25-2, v2, 2p. [334] Location of Creek and Choctaw reservat...
50-2Indian AffairsAllotment of Lands in Severalty. [2673] To United Peoria and Miami Indians; Indian...
49-1Indian AffairsAllotment of Lands to United Peorias and Miamies. [2440] In Indian Territory.1886-...
36-1Indian AffairsSettlers on the Miami Reserve in Kansas. [1068] Land title of the Miamies shown un...
Report on the Reduction of Price of Miami Lands. 28 Mar. HR 434, 30-1 , v2, 2p. [525] Miami treaties...
Report on Fort Ripley, Minnesota. [912] Winnebago reservation; Indians removed there in 1848
Resolution of the Indiana Legis. [544] Grant of land for a university; would be within the Miami lan...
Report on Pre-emption. [446] Lands acquired by treaty from the Miami Indians; Indiana
28-1Public LandsReport on Settlers. [446] On lands acquired from the Miami and Pottawatomie Indians....
29-1Public LandsReport on Pre-emption to Actual Settlers. [489] On land acquired by treaty from the ...
Report on Lands in Florida. 19 Dec. HR 9, 20-2, v1, 1p. [190) Land granted to an Indian chief in tre...
24-1Public LandsReport on Pre-emption Rights in Alabama. [295] Concerns settlers on lands ceded to t...
Resol. of Indiana Legis. 1 Feb. SD 191, 25-2, v3, 2p. [316] Asks to be able to purchase the Miami In...
31-1Public LandsReport : Petition of Citizens of Indiana. [585] Land cessions by Miami treaties.1850...
An Act that extended the preemption laws to alternate reserved sections of public lands along the li...
R-M of the Alabama Legis. 18 Jan. HR 434, 25-2, v2, 2p. [334] Location of Creek and Choctaw reservat...
50-2Indian AffairsAllotment of Lands in Severalty. [2673] To United Peoria and Miami Indians; Indian...
49-1Indian AffairsAllotment of Lands to United Peorias and Miamies. [2440] In Indian Territory.1886-...
36-1Indian AffairsSettlers on the Miami Reserve in Kansas. [1068] Land title of the Miamies shown un...
Report on the Reduction of Price of Miami Lands. 28 Mar. HR 434, 30-1 , v2, 2p. [525] Miami treaties...
Report on Fort Ripley, Minnesota. [912] Winnebago reservation; Indians removed there in 1848
Resolution of the Indiana Legis. [544] Grant of land for a university; would be within the Miami lan...