24-1Memorial of the Illinois Legis. [288] For granting pensions to persons engaged in Indian wars before the treaty of Greenville; 1795.1836-2
Report on Pensions to Soldiers in Wayne\u27s Campaign. [399] Against northwestern Indians
31-1Revolutionary PensionsReport : Petition of Citizens of Indiana. [584] Soldiers in Indian wars.18...
Pensions to Survivors of Indian Wars. [2915] Black Hawk, Creek, Cherokee, and Seminole wars; 1832-42
Memorial of the Illinois Legis. [288] For granting pensions to persons engaged in Indian wars before...
27-3PensionsMemorial Of the Indiana Gen. Assmebly. [415] Extend pensions to those who served in Indi...
Resolution of the Tennessee Legis. [1617] Pensions to soldiers in the Indian war of 1836
Resol. of the New York Legis. 31 Jan. HMD 24, 33-2, vl, 1p. [ 807] Pensions to soldiers in Indian wa...
Resol. of the Tennessee Legis. 9 Feb. SMD 151, 35-1, v3, 2p. [936] or HMD 53,35-1, v1, 1p. [961] Pen...
Resolution of the Indiana Legis. [544] Recommends passage of a bill giving soldiers of the War of 18...
Report on Pensions to Indian Fighters. [333] Recommends extension of laws to the period 1783 to 1795
293 H.rp.33824-2Report on Extension of Pension Laws. [305] Recommends that pensions be extended to p...
Resolution of the Illinois Legis. [495] On the Illinois campaign of 1778-79 against the British an...
29-1Revolutionary PensionsReport on Compensation of Officers and Soldiers of Indian Wars. [490] Prio...
Resolution of the Tennessee Legis. [1063] Pensions to soldiers in Indian wars occuring around 1812
50-1RulesResolution of Rep Barry. [2570]On pensions to survivors of Indian wars.1888-17
Report on Pensions to Soldiers in Wayne\u27s Campaign. [399] Against northwestern Indians
31-1Revolutionary PensionsReport : Petition of Citizens of Indiana. [584] Soldiers in Indian wars.18...
Pensions to Survivors of Indian Wars. [2915] Black Hawk, Creek, Cherokee, and Seminole wars; 1832-42
Memorial of the Illinois Legis. [288] For granting pensions to persons engaged in Indian wars before...
27-3PensionsMemorial Of the Indiana Gen. Assmebly. [415] Extend pensions to those who served in Indi...
Resolution of the Tennessee Legis. [1617] Pensions to soldiers in the Indian war of 1836
Resol. of the New York Legis. 31 Jan. HMD 24, 33-2, vl, 1p. [ 807] Pensions to soldiers in Indian wa...
Resol. of the Tennessee Legis. 9 Feb. SMD 151, 35-1, v3, 2p. [936] or HMD 53,35-1, v1, 1p. [961] Pen...
Resolution of the Indiana Legis. [544] Recommends passage of a bill giving soldiers of the War of 18...
Report on Pensions to Indian Fighters. [333] Recommends extension of laws to the period 1783 to 1795
293 H.rp.33824-2Report on Extension of Pension Laws. [305] Recommends that pensions be extended to p...
Resolution of the Illinois Legis. [495] On the Illinois campaign of 1778-79 against the British an...
29-1Revolutionary PensionsReport on Compensation of Officers and Soldiers of Indian Wars. [490] Prio...
Resolution of the Tennessee Legis. [1063] Pensions to soldiers in Indian wars occuring around 1812
50-1RulesResolution of Rep Barry. [2570]On pensions to survivors of Indian wars.1888-17
Report on Pensions to Soldiers in Wayne\u27s Campaign. [399] Against northwestern Indians
31-1Revolutionary PensionsReport : Petition of Citizens of Indiana. [584] Soldiers in Indian wars.18...
Pensions to Survivors of Indian Wars. [2915] Black Hawk, Creek, Cherokee, and Seminole wars; 1832-42