This collection of short fiction explores themes of loneliness, loss of love, and self-worth in a strange, often humorous fashion. The characters face challenges that present themselves in ways that exist only within imagined worlds: a woman’s heart leaves her body after a bad breakup, a captive entertainer is let out of her glass cage, a group of children become violent after they discover their new friend can perform shape-shifting. Together, the stories try to capture what it means to move through a transformative period in one’s life.M.F.A.Includes bibliographical referencesby Katelyn Catinell
Lonely Gameis a collection of short stories exploring different manifestations and consequences of l...
Lies and Other Stories is a collection of short fiction that examines the nature and difficulty of h...
The following collection is a compilation of seven works of short fiction, written to achieve the co...
This short story collection aims to challenge the established concepts of womanhood and femininity b...
This collection of short stories is concerned with finding strategies for enduring or escaping a cap...
Short Story Collection includes short stories that center around the lives of women who strive to fe...
The short stories in this collection focus on young individuals’, especially women’s, experience and...
This collection consists of twelve short stories that have been written and edited during my two yea...
Swimming Away on Nerves Alone is a fiction short story collection. Each of the four pieces in it ref...
Stacked Knots is a collection of short fiction in several forms: hint fiction, flash fiction, and s...
This collection of fiction and creative nonfiction explores the ways in which relationships are form...
72.8% of the Person You Love Is is composed of 14 non-realist short stories that re-examine the limi...
The following is a collection of six short stories written between 2014 and 2016. While the short st...
Some Truth: A Collection of Short Fiction is comprised of 13 stories which all, in some way, dissect...
A collection of short fiction that examines human loneliness and the animal strength found in isolat...
Lonely Gameis a collection of short stories exploring different manifestations and consequences of l...
Lies and Other Stories is a collection of short fiction that examines the nature and difficulty of h...
The following collection is a compilation of seven works of short fiction, written to achieve the co...
This short story collection aims to challenge the established concepts of womanhood and femininity b...
This collection of short stories is concerned with finding strategies for enduring or escaping a cap...
Short Story Collection includes short stories that center around the lives of women who strive to fe...
The short stories in this collection focus on young individuals’, especially women’s, experience and...
This collection consists of twelve short stories that have been written and edited during my two yea...
Swimming Away on Nerves Alone is a fiction short story collection. Each of the four pieces in it ref...
Stacked Knots is a collection of short fiction in several forms: hint fiction, flash fiction, and s...
This collection of fiction and creative nonfiction explores the ways in which relationships are form...
72.8% of the Person You Love Is is composed of 14 non-realist short stories that re-examine the limi...
The following is a collection of six short stories written between 2014 and 2016. While the short st...
Some Truth: A Collection of Short Fiction is comprised of 13 stories which all, in some way, dissect...
A collection of short fiction that examines human loneliness and the animal strength found in isolat...
Lonely Gameis a collection of short stories exploring different manifestations and consequences of l...
Lies and Other Stories is a collection of short fiction that examines the nature and difficulty of h...
The following collection is a compilation of seven works of short fiction, written to achieve the co...