Statistics and treasurer's reports for 1909/1910. Lists of consistory and committee members, as well as choir and staff of Sunday School. Schedule of offerings for the upcoming year
The Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the Board of Domestic Missions of the Ref. Protestant Dutch churc...
Membership Committee Reports; Annual Joint Meeting of the Deacons and Trustees; Clerks Report; Annua...
Annual Business Meetings; Annual Meetings; Annual Reports; Minutes of Prudential Committee Meetings;...
Directory of names and addresses of church members, reports of various committees within church incl...
Pamphlet prepared for the Jersey City Tercentenary in 1960. Describes the church's history, buildin...
Second of three volumes in which the Holland Society published the records of the Bergen Reformed Ch...
First of three volumes in which the Holland Society published the records of the Bergen Reformed Chu...
Program for six services commemorating anniversary. Short history of church illustrated with picture...
Sermon by pastor Benjamin C. Taylor from anniversary service details history of church, including na...
Third of three volumes in which the Holland Society published the records of the Bergen Reformed Chu...
Calendar of special events for tercentennary. History of church and of the planning for anniversary....
Program for services during week of anniversary, November 17 - 24, 1935, including "Patriotic Servic...
Three sermons, preached Oct. 16th and 23d, 1910, relate history of the Reformation, founding and gro...
History of the Bergen Reformed Church, from its founding in 1660 through the end of the 1800s. Begi...
Annual Business Meetings
The Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the Board of Domestic Missions of the Ref. Protestant Dutch churc...
Membership Committee Reports; Annual Joint Meeting of the Deacons and Trustees; Clerks Report; Annua...
Annual Business Meetings; Annual Meetings; Annual Reports; Minutes of Prudential Committee Meetings;...
Directory of names and addresses of church members, reports of various committees within church incl...
Pamphlet prepared for the Jersey City Tercentenary in 1960. Describes the church's history, buildin...
Second of three volumes in which the Holland Society published the records of the Bergen Reformed Ch...
First of three volumes in which the Holland Society published the records of the Bergen Reformed Chu...
Program for six services commemorating anniversary. Short history of church illustrated with picture...
Sermon by pastor Benjamin C. Taylor from anniversary service details history of church, including na...
Third of three volumes in which the Holland Society published the records of the Bergen Reformed Chu...
Calendar of special events for tercentennary. History of church and of the planning for anniversary....
Program for services during week of anniversary, November 17 - 24, 1935, including "Patriotic Servic...
Three sermons, preached Oct. 16th and 23d, 1910, relate history of the Reformation, founding and gro...
History of the Bergen Reformed Church, from its founding in 1660 through the end of the 1800s. Begi...
Annual Business Meetings
The Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the Board of Domestic Missions of the Ref. Protestant Dutch churc...
Membership Committee Reports; Annual Joint Meeting of the Deacons and Trustees; Clerks Report; Annua...
Annual Business Meetings; Annual Meetings; Annual Reports; Minutes of Prudential Committee Meetings;...