Intercomparison exercise with MeV neutrons using various electronic personal dosimeters.

  • Wielunski, M.
  • Wahl, W.
  • El-Faramawy, N.A.
  • Rühm, W.
  • Luszik-Bhadra, M.
  • Roos, H.
Publication date
January 2008
Elsevier BV
Citation count (estimate)


Electronic personal neutron dosimeters developed at GSF, PTB, and LMU, were exposed with mono-energetic neutrons at the PTB neutron irradiation facility in Braunschweig, Germany. The neutron energies used ranged from 1.5 to 4.1 MeV. The doses measured by each dosimeter were compared to each other and to the Saphydose-n dosimeter that is commercially available. All dosimeters were calibrated based on either 252Cf and/or 241Am–Be neutron sources or a 60Co secondary standard reference field. The doses measured were compared to estimates of reference values based on a long counter. Generally, all dosimeters produced reasonable results, given the uncertainties involved. It was noticed that the dosimeter responses show slight dependencies o...

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