The purpose of this review of literature is to examine the importance of increasing ankle dorsiflexion range of motion (ADROM) for safety and performance in athletes. This review examines studies that demonstrate common static stretching times for increasing ADROM are ineffective and can even decrease athletic performance. Due to the fact that static stretching has no effect on ADROM, athletes with limited ADROM are left vulnerable to injury. It was found that limited ADROM can be a direct cause of patellofemoral pain. Additionally, limited ADROM was found to place the knee in vulnerable positions during a squat that could increase chance of injury. Many strength coaches have tried to correct this problem in training with Olympic weightlift...
Soccer (football) practice can induce a limitation of ankle range of motion (ROM) that is a possible...
# Background Persisting reductions in ankle dorsiflexion range of motion are commonly encountered c...
Introduction: Ankle sprain is the most common injury on the active population and accounts for 22% o...
The purpose of this review of literature is to examine the importance of increasing ankle dorsiflexi...
Basketball, such as soccer and volleyball, has the issue to rehabilitation too deep for re athletisa...
Sport injuries are unwanted adverse effects accompanying participation in sports. In a wide variety ...
Decreased ankle range of motion (ROM) leads to many disorders, ranging in severity from gait abnorma...
Context: Ankle sprains are one of the most common sport related injuries. Recurrent ankle sprains c...
Ankle sprains have been defined as the most common injury in sports. The aim of the present study wa...
Purpose: To determine whether foam rolling (FR) alone, static stretching (SS) alone, or FR + SS toge...
Ankle sprains have been defined as the most common injury in sports. The aim of the present study wa...
The Effect of Compressive Myofascial Release on the Triceps Surae and its Influence on Dorsiflexion ...
Ankle sprains are the most common injury seen in athletes. Research has shown approximately 11.5 an...
BACKGROUND: Ankle joint equinus, or restricted dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM), has been linked t...
BACKGROUND: Ankle joint equinus, or restricted dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM), has been linked t...
Soccer (football) practice can induce a limitation of ankle range of motion (ROM) that is a possible...
# Background Persisting reductions in ankle dorsiflexion range of motion are commonly encountered c...
Introduction: Ankle sprain is the most common injury on the active population and accounts for 22% o...
The purpose of this review of literature is to examine the importance of increasing ankle dorsiflexi...
Basketball, such as soccer and volleyball, has the issue to rehabilitation too deep for re athletisa...
Sport injuries are unwanted adverse effects accompanying participation in sports. In a wide variety ...
Decreased ankle range of motion (ROM) leads to many disorders, ranging in severity from gait abnorma...
Context: Ankle sprains are one of the most common sport related injuries. Recurrent ankle sprains c...
Ankle sprains have been defined as the most common injury in sports. The aim of the present study wa...
Purpose: To determine whether foam rolling (FR) alone, static stretching (SS) alone, or FR + SS toge...
Ankle sprains have been defined as the most common injury in sports. The aim of the present study wa...
The Effect of Compressive Myofascial Release on the Triceps Surae and its Influence on Dorsiflexion ...
Ankle sprains are the most common injury seen in athletes. Research has shown approximately 11.5 an...
BACKGROUND: Ankle joint equinus, or restricted dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM), has been linked t...
BACKGROUND: Ankle joint equinus, or restricted dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM), has been linked t...
Soccer (football) practice can induce a limitation of ankle range of motion (ROM) that is a possible...
# Background Persisting reductions in ankle dorsiflexion range of motion are commonly encountered c...
Introduction: Ankle sprain is the most common injury on the active population and accounts for 22% o...