Scholars of the management and governance of non-profit educational and social organizations, including those focusing exclusively on independent schools, cite a strong board of trustees as an essential ingredient in the overall success of a non-profit organization. While there is significant agreement in the literature about the importance of the relationship between the paid executive and the governing board, little of it is specific to independent schools and their trustees (who are more likely to be first-time trustees) much of it is prescriptive and sometimes contradictory. The vast majority of the literature on governance falls into the “how to,” “legal duties,” and “roles and boundaries” categories. These are helpful as primers, but ...
All eyes are on community and technical colleges as they lead the way through challenging economic t...
The unique relationship between the full-time professional school superintendent and the volunteer, ...
Master of Business Administration. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville 2015.The role of boards an...
Scholars of the management and governance of non-profit educational and social organizations, includ...
The radical changes within the Tomorrow’s Schools reforms came to fruition in 1989 amid much debate ...
UnrestrictedThe purpose of the study was to examine decision-making practices of trustees in good pr...
Local public school boards historically provide for the education of youth in the United States. Mos...
The Boards of Education in New York State schools face formidable challenges in an educational envir...
This research investigated school board members\u27 perceptions about their roles and responsibiliti...
This chapter provides insights into the governance of schools. Roles and responsibilities of school ...
The expansion of the school choice movement and greater flexibility allowed by Every Student Succeed...
2013-03-29This study applied 3 theoretical frameworks--Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal's four frames, t...
2015-03-20The purpose of this study was to better understand the relationships between superintenden...
This article will be published in a special edition of Management in Education (July 2013). The rese...
In the 11 years since the devolution to local control of New Zealand schools, the role of the Board ...
All eyes are on community and technical colleges as they lead the way through challenging economic t...
The unique relationship between the full-time professional school superintendent and the volunteer, ...
Master of Business Administration. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville 2015.The role of boards an...
Scholars of the management and governance of non-profit educational and social organizations, includ...
The radical changes within the Tomorrow’s Schools reforms came to fruition in 1989 amid much debate ...
UnrestrictedThe purpose of the study was to examine decision-making practices of trustees in good pr...
Local public school boards historically provide for the education of youth in the United States. Mos...
The Boards of Education in New York State schools face formidable challenges in an educational envir...
This research investigated school board members\u27 perceptions about their roles and responsibiliti...
This chapter provides insights into the governance of schools. Roles and responsibilities of school ...
The expansion of the school choice movement and greater flexibility allowed by Every Student Succeed...
2013-03-29This study applied 3 theoretical frameworks--Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal's four frames, t...
2015-03-20The purpose of this study was to better understand the relationships between superintenden...
This article will be published in a special edition of Management in Education (July 2013). The rese...
In the 11 years since the devolution to local control of New Zealand schools, the role of the Board ...
All eyes are on community and technical colleges as they lead the way through challenging economic t...
The unique relationship between the full-time professional school superintendent and the volunteer, ...
Master of Business Administration. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville 2015.The role of boards an...