Music Dept Opens Season; Reformation Rally Celebration Scheduled; Olthuis Begins Discovery III; Geologist Will Lecture Here; Editorial; Letters to the Editor; Hazy Phase II: Calling to the Spirits; Le Mars to Host Marine Band; Travel in a Chair; Women and Ecology Get Emphasis; Hodgson Airs His Views; Honor Organ Recital Piped to Minneapolis; Bolden Coming to Campus; Back to the Sandbox; Calvin Comes to Dordt; Business Majors Travel to Kansas; Quintet Breathes Fresh Air in Concert; As the Sapling Is Bent... ; Phi Kappa Sigma--Burden or Blessing; Corn Flakes Company Grants $5,000; Free for a Week; Construction Continues on Commons; Contest Deadline Extended; Sports Club Proposal Passed; Student Personnel Revises Handbook; Burton to Battle Buj...