Stoops Starts Tonight; Rev. Conn To Visit Dordt Clubs; Walhof Elected Editor; Dordt Will Host Chem Seminar; Lack of Candidates Postpones Conventions; Prattle and Patterns; Letters to the Editor; Recital Reviews; Speech and Classical Language Majors To Be Offered; Lindsell to Speak at Grad; Boersma is for the Birds; Crackers for Graham; Presidential Sweepstakes; Reflections on Practice Teaching; Three Boos for Oscar; A Sound Note - A Look at KDCR; Artscapade \u2772 - For Christ\u27s Sake; Good for an Oscar; Footnotes; Yes, There Are a Lot of Good Reasons for Women to Quit Smoking; Faculty Undergoes Some Changes; Minnesota Orchestra at Le Mars; Nothing Is Free Except Grace ; Papers Presented at Banquet; Consultation Service Reviews Ed. Dept...