Reviewed Title: Silent Passengers, by Larry Woiwode (Atheneum: New York, 1993). 131 pages
Reviewed Title: Dr. Jelle Zijlstra: Gesprekken en Geschriften, by George Puchinger. Naarden, The Net...
Title: Musical echoes: South African women thinking in jazzAuthor: Muller, Carol and Sathima, Bea Be...
A review of the book Electric Sounds: Technological Change and the Rise of Corporate Mass Media by S...
Reviewed Title: In a Different Voice, by Carol Gilligan. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, 1982
C. K. Wilson reviews the book 'Music, sound, and technology in America: a documentary history of ear...
Reviewed Title: Peter, Stephen, James and John, by F. F. Bruce. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdman...
Book Title: Musics of the Free State: Reflections on a Musical Past, Present, and FutureBook Author:...
Reviewed Title: And the Trees Clap Their Hands: Faith, Perception, and the New Physics, by Virginia ...
Reviewed Title: Native American Voices, by David A. Rausch and Blair Schlepp (Grand Rapids, MI: Bake...
R. Murray Schafer coined the term "sound souvenirs" in The Soundscape (1994 [1977]: 240) to describe...
Musical Acoustics\u27\u27 by Charles A. Culver is a good reference book which gives excellent and co...
Review of: Sounds of the New Deal: The Federal Music Project in the West, by Peter Gough
Reviewed Title: Hiemstra, John. Worldviews on the Air: The Struggle to Create a Pluralistic Broadcas...
Reviewed Title: Lou Harrison: American Musical Maverick by Bill Alves and Brett Campbell. Bloomingto...
Reviewed Title: Silent Passengers, by Larry Woiwode (Atheneum: New York, 1993). 131 pages
Reviewed Title: Dr. Jelle Zijlstra: Gesprekken en Geschriften, by George Puchinger. Naarden, The Net...
Title: Musical echoes: South African women thinking in jazzAuthor: Muller, Carol and Sathima, Bea Be...
A review of the book Electric Sounds: Technological Change and the Rise of Corporate Mass Media by S...
Reviewed Title: In a Different Voice, by Carol Gilligan. Harvard University Press: Cambridge, 1982
C. K. Wilson reviews the book 'Music, sound, and technology in America: a documentary history of ear...
Reviewed Title: Peter, Stephen, James and John, by F. F. Bruce. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdman...
Book Title: Musics of the Free State: Reflections on a Musical Past, Present, and FutureBook Author:...
Reviewed Title: And the Trees Clap Their Hands: Faith, Perception, and the New Physics, by Virginia ...
Reviewed Title: Native American Voices, by David A. Rausch and Blair Schlepp (Grand Rapids, MI: Bake...
R. Murray Schafer coined the term "sound souvenirs" in The Soundscape (1994 [1977]: 240) to describe...
Musical Acoustics\u27\u27 by Charles A. Culver is a good reference book which gives excellent and co...
Review of: Sounds of the New Deal: The Federal Music Project in the West, by Peter Gough
Reviewed Title: Hiemstra, John. Worldviews on the Air: The Struggle to Create a Pluralistic Broadcas...
Reviewed Title: Lou Harrison: American Musical Maverick by Bill Alves and Brett Campbell. Bloomingto...
Reviewed Title: Silent Passengers, by Larry Woiwode (Atheneum: New York, 1993). 131 pages
Reviewed Title: Dr. Jelle Zijlstra: Gesprekken en Geschriften, by George Puchinger. Naarden, The Net...
Title: Musical echoes: South African women thinking in jazzAuthor: Muller, Carol and Sathima, Bea Be...