Reviewed Title: Six Psalms of John Calvin (words by John Calvin, translated by Ford Lewis Battles, harmonizations by Stanley Tagg.) Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978
Reviewed Title: Worship the Lord. Edited by James R. Esther and Donald J. Bruggink. Grand Rapids, Mi...
Reviewed Title: The English Bible from KJV to NIV: A History and Evaluation, 2nd ed., by Jack P. Lew...
Reviewed Title: The Playbook: For Christian Theatre, compiled and edited by Hans Altena. Grand Rapid...
Reviewed Titles: This Was John Calvin, by Thea B. Van Halsema. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book Ho...
Reviewed Title: Masterpieces of Religious Verse, James Dalton Morrison, Editor, Baker Book House, Gr...
Reviewed Title: The Theology of Calvin by Wilhelm Niesel, translated by Harold Knight. Grand Rapids,...
Reviewed Title: Calvin, Geneva and the Reformation: A Study of Calvin as Social Reformer, Churchman,...
Reviewed Title: Analysis of the Institutes of the Christian Religion of John Calvin, by Ford Lewis B...
Reviewed Title: Elwood, Christopher. Calvin for Armchair Theologians. Illustrated by Ron Hill. Louis...
Reviewed Title: The Book of Isaiah from the New International Version. Zondervan Bible Publishers, G...
Reviewed Title: Peter, Stephen, James and John, by F. F. Bruce. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdman...
Reviewed Title: Philip Benedict, Christ\u27s Churches Purely Reformed: A Social History of Calvinism...
Reviewed Title: Lectures in Systematic Theology, Robert Lewis Dabney, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker ...
Reviewed Title: Frame, John M. Contemporary Christian Music: A Defence. (Philipsburg: P & R Publishi...
Reviewed Book: Wallace, Ronald S. Calvin: Geneva and the Reformation: a study of Calvin as social re...
Reviewed Title: Worship the Lord. Edited by James R. Esther and Donald J. Bruggink. Grand Rapids, Mi...
Reviewed Title: The English Bible from KJV to NIV: A History and Evaluation, 2nd ed., by Jack P. Lew...
Reviewed Title: The Playbook: For Christian Theatre, compiled and edited by Hans Altena. Grand Rapid...
Reviewed Titles: This Was John Calvin, by Thea B. Van Halsema. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book Ho...
Reviewed Title: Masterpieces of Religious Verse, James Dalton Morrison, Editor, Baker Book House, Gr...
Reviewed Title: The Theology of Calvin by Wilhelm Niesel, translated by Harold Knight. Grand Rapids,...
Reviewed Title: Calvin, Geneva and the Reformation: A Study of Calvin as Social Reformer, Churchman,...
Reviewed Title: Analysis of the Institutes of the Christian Religion of John Calvin, by Ford Lewis B...
Reviewed Title: Elwood, Christopher. Calvin for Armchair Theologians. Illustrated by Ron Hill. Louis...
Reviewed Title: The Book of Isaiah from the New International Version. Zondervan Bible Publishers, G...
Reviewed Title: Peter, Stephen, James and John, by F. F. Bruce. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdman...
Reviewed Title: Philip Benedict, Christ\u27s Churches Purely Reformed: A Social History of Calvinism...
Reviewed Title: Lectures in Systematic Theology, Robert Lewis Dabney, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker ...
Reviewed Title: Frame, John M. Contemporary Christian Music: A Defence. (Philipsburg: P & R Publishi...
Reviewed Book: Wallace, Ronald S. Calvin: Geneva and the Reformation: a study of Calvin as social re...
Reviewed Title: Worship the Lord. Edited by James R. Esther and Donald J. Bruggink. Grand Rapids, Mi...
Reviewed Title: The English Bible from KJV to NIV: A History and Evaluation, 2nd ed., by Jack P. Lew...
Reviewed Title: The Playbook: For Christian Theatre, compiled and edited by Hans Altena. Grand Rapid...