Reviewed Title: The Lives of Robert and James Haldane, by Alexander Haldane (Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1990) first published 1852. 706 pages
Reviewed Title: Christian Schools International, 1943-1965: 22 Landmark Years, by John A. Vander Ark...
Reviewed Title: Solzhenitsyn: The Moral Vision, by Edward E. Ericson, Jr. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans...
Reviewed Title: Naude. Prophet to South Africa, by G. McLeod Bryan. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1978. ...
Reviewed Title: Peter, Stephen, James and John, by F. F. Bruce. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdman...
Reviewed Title: Dr. Jelle Zijlstra: Gesprekken en Geschriften, by George Puchinger. Naarden, The Net...
Reviewed Title: A Karl Barth Reader, Rolf Joachim Erler and Reiner Marquard, eds. Translated by Geof...
Reviewed Title: C. S. Lewis and His World. David Barratt. London, England/Grand Rapids, Michigan: Ma...
Reviewed Title: Groen van Prinsterer\u27s Lectures on Unbelief and Revolution, by Harry Van Dyke (Jo...
A review of the book: Robert Peel: A Biography. By Douglas Hurd. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 2007. x + 43...
Reviewed Title: The Spiritual Nature of Man, by Alister Hardy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979. 162 pp
Reviewed Title: Van Til: Defender of the Faith, by William White, Jr. Nashville and New York: Thomas...
Reviewed Title: All Hallows\u27 Eve by Charles Williams, Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans...
Reviewed Title: Ignatius Loyola: A Biography of the Found of the Jesuits, by Philip Caraman, S. J. (...
Reviewed Title: Rosalind Franklin and DNA by Anne Sayre, W. W. Norton & Co., 1975, 221 pages
Reviewed Title: Richard Mather of Dorchester, by B. R. Burg. The University Press of Kentucky, Lexin...
Reviewed Title: Christian Schools International, 1943-1965: 22 Landmark Years, by John A. Vander Ark...
Reviewed Title: Solzhenitsyn: The Moral Vision, by Edward E. Ericson, Jr. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans...
Reviewed Title: Naude. Prophet to South Africa, by G. McLeod Bryan. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1978. ...
Reviewed Title: Peter, Stephen, James and John, by F. F. Bruce. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdman...
Reviewed Title: Dr. Jelle Zijlstra: Gesprekken en Geschriften, by George Puchinger. Naarden, The Net...
Reviewed Title: A Karl Barth Reader, Rolf Joachim Erler and Reiner Marquard, eds. Translated by Geof...
Reviewed Title: C. S. Lewis and His World. David Barratt. London, England/Grand Rapids, Michigan: Ma...
Reviewed Title: Groen van Prinsterer\u27s Lectures on Unbelief and Revolution, by Harry Van Dyke (Jo...
A review of the book: Robert Peel: A Biography. By Douglas Hurd. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 2007. x + 43...
Reviewed Title: The Spiritual Nature of Man, by Alister Hardy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979. 162 pp
Reviewed Title: Van Til: Defender of the Faith, by William White, Jr. Nashville and New York: Thomas...
Reviewed Title: All Hallows\u27 Eve by Charles Williams, Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans...
Reviewed Title: Ignatius Loyola: A Biography of the Found of the Jesuits, by Philip Caraman, S. J. (...
Reviewed Title: Rosalind Franklin and DNA by Anne Sayre, W. W. Norton & Co., 1975, 221 pages
Reviewed Title: Richard Mather of Dorchester, by B. R. Burg. The University Press of Kentucky, Lexin...
Reviewed Title: Christian Schools International, 1943-1965: 22 Landmark Years, by John A. Vander Ark...
Reviewed Title: Solzhenitsyn: The Moral Vision, by Edward E. Ericson, Jr. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans...
Reviewed Title: Naude. Prophet to South Africa, by G. McLeod Bryan. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1978. ...