Front Page: Stenzel Speaks on Sexuality, Hits Like a Mack Truck; New, Old Faces Highlight Late Night Preseason Fun News: Workshops Help Prepare Students; Annual Townie Uprising Flops; Program to Help Speed, Comprehension Variety: Parents Invade Campus; New Church Brings Hope; Picture Poll: How Would You Describe The Play? Editorials: Studying from a Service Perspective; Seek a Healthy Balance Opinion: FOCUS: We Serve an Almighty God; Global Observatory: Jesus Was Way Cool; Free Press: Discrimination at Dordt? Feature: Promise Keepers Calls Men to Accountability; Disaster Flood Relief Arrives... Dordt Style; Dordt Students Thankful for the Experience; Volunteers Serve and Are Served Sports: Golf Team Earns First-Ever Trip to National Tournam...