Two types of Spanish-English bilinguals were tested in an event-related potential (ERP) experiment on a contrast in the two languages exemplified in (1) and (2) in order to investigate linguistic permeability during processing of Spanish (1a and 2a). In Spanish, but not English, absence of the complementizer que is ungrammatical. (1) a. Qué hermana confesó Inés que había comido la tarta? b. *What sister did Inés confess that had eaten the cake? (2) a. *Qué hermana confesó Inés Ø había comido la tarta? b. What sister did Inés confess Ø had eaten the cake? In a first analysis, we grouped subjects by generation and compared ERP responses to que-less vs. que-full sentences. A significant N400 effect was found for first-, but not second-generati...
Abstract. Receptive-Expressive gaps in the linguistics and language development community is known a...
This dissertation takes on an ambitious set of experiments to gain insight into the bilingual langua...
Published online: 20 Dec 2018Bilinguals show a large gap in their expressive-receptive abilities, in...
Two types of Spanish-English bilinguals were tested in an event-related potential (ERP) experiment o...
Are non-native speakers able to process their second language in a native-like way? The present stud...
Lexical access in bilinguals has been considered either selective or non-selective and evidence exis...
Lexical access in bilinguals has been considered either selective or non-selective and evidence exis...
To investigate whether second language processing is characterized by the same sensitivity to the em...
This study examined the differences in Event-Related Potential (ERPs) amplitudes and reaction times ...
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Estudios CognitivosOne of the most intriguing aspects of co...
The current study set out to examine word recognition in early fluent Spanish–English bilinguals usi...
International audienceTwenty-eight native-English speakers enrolled in beginning and intermediate un...
Bilinguals show a large gap in their expressive-receptive abilities, in both languages. To date, mos...
International audienceIn a previous study of native-English speaking university learners of a second...
Evidence shows that second language (L2) processing depends on the Age of Acquisition (AoA), profici...
Abstract. Receptive-Expressive gaps in the linguistics and language development community is known a...
This dissertation takes on an ambitious set of experiments to gain insight into the bilingual langua...
Published online: 20 Dec 2018Bilinguals show a large gap in their expressive-receptive abilities, in...
Two types of Spanish-English bilinguals were tested in an event-related potential (ERP) experiment o...
Are non-native speakers able to process their second language in a native-like way? The present stud...
Lexical access in bilinguals has been considered either selective or non-selective and evidence exis...
Lexical access in bilinguals has been considered either selective or non-selective and evidence exis...
To investigate whether second language processing is characterized by the same sensitivity to the em...
This study examined the differences in Event-Related Potential (ERPs) amplitudes and reaction times ...
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Estudios CognitivosOne of the most intriguing aspects of co...
The current study set out to examine word recognition in early fluent Spanish–English bilinguals usi...
International audienceTwenty-eight native-English speakers enrolled in beginning and intermediate un...
Bilinguals show a large gap in their expressive-receptive abilities, in both languages. To date, mos...
International audienceIn a previous study of native-English speaking university learners of a second...
Evidence shows that second language (L2) processing depends on the Age of Acquisition (AoA), profici...
Abstract. Receptive-Expressive gaps in the linguistics and language development community is known a...
This dissertation takes on an ambitious set of experiments to gain insight into the bilingual langua...
Published online: 20 Dec 2018Bilinguals show a large gap in their expressive-receptive abilities, in...