Patent for a new and improved snow plow. This design "is to facilitate the removal of snow from railway-tracks, and also to prevent the removed snow from being blown back upon the track" (lines 20-23)
Patent for an improvement on the plow stock that allows the user to use different plow blades and st... Read more
Patent for a new and improved sulky plow. This design "furnish[es] a sulky-frame and plow supporting... Read more
Patent for a new and improved shovel plow. This design "provide[s] a shovel . . . having extensible ... Read more
Patent for a new and improved plow. This design "has for its object to produce a plow which shall sc... Read more
Patent for a new and improved plow-stock. This design is of "an improved plow-stock, which shall be ... Read more
Patent for a new and improved sulky-plow. This design "has for its objects to provide simple and eff... Read more