This paper examines the dynamic causal linkages between electricity consumption and economic growth in Nigeria within a trivariate VECM, for the period 1971-2012. The paper obviates the variable omission bias, and the use of cross-sectional techniques that characterise most existing studies. The results show that there is a distinct causal flow from electricity consumption to economic growth: both in the short run and in the long run. This finding supports the electricity-led growth hypothesis, as documented in the literature. The paper urges policy-makers in Nigeria to implement policies which enhance the generation of electricity in order to engineer economic growth. Appropriate monetary policies must also be put in place, in order to mod...
This paper attempts to examine the causal relationship between electricity demand and economic growt...
Knowledge of the direction of the causality between electricity consumption and economic growth is o...
Access to modern energy is believed to be a prerequisite for sustainable development, poverty allevi...
This paper examines the dynamic causal linkages between electricity consumption and economic growth ...
This paper examines the dynamic causal linkages between electricity consumption and economic growth ...
Abstract of associated article: This paper examines the dynamic causal linkages between electricity ...
Few scholars disagrees that electricity consumption is an important supporting factor for economy gr...
The Paper re ‐ examined co‐integration and causality relationship between energy consumption and eco...
This study applies bound test approach to VAR to investigate the long-run and short run relationship...
There is a lingering puzzle as to whether electricity consumption has positive, negative or neutral ...
A handful number of studies have sought to find a proper modeling strategy that captures the true dy...
The study examines the relationship between electricity consumption and economic development using a...
Energy consumption is an important indicator of economic modernization and in general the more devel...
This paper applies a Multivariate Vector Error Correction (VECM) framework to examine the long run a...
Knowledge of the direction of the causality between electricity consumption and economic growth is o...
This paper attempts to examine the causal relationship between electricity demand and economic growt...
Knowledge of the direction of the causality between electricity consumption and economic growth is o...
Access to modern energy is believed to be a prerequisite for sustainable development, poverty allevi...
This paper examines the dynamic causal linkages between electricity consumption and economic growth ...
This paper examines the dynamic causal linkages between electricity consumption and economic growth ...
Abstract of associated article: This paper examines the dynamic causal linkages between electricity ...
Few scholars disagrees that electricity consumption is an important supporting factor for economy gr...
The Paper re ‐ examined co‐integration and causality relationship between energy consumption and eco...
This study applies bound test approach to VAR to investigate the long-run and short run relationship...
There is a lingering puzzle as to whether electricity consumption has positive, negative or neutral ...
A handful number of studies have sought to find a proper modeling strategy that captures the true dy...
The study examines the relationship between electricity consumption and economic development using a...
Energy consumption is an important indicator of economic modernization and in general the more devel...
This paper applies a Multivariate Vector Error Correction (VECM) framework to examine the long run a...
Knowledge of the direction of the causality between electricity consumption and economic growth is o...
This paper attempts to examine the causal relationship between electricity demand and economic growt...
Knowledge of the direction of the causality between electricity consumption and economic growth is o...
Access to modern energy is believed to be a prerequisite for sustainable development, poverty allevi...