Steve Keen has debunked a good part of standard economics. However, he has left standing the theory of profit. This is unfortunate, because the theory of profit is the pivot of all of theoretical economics. This tightly focused paper clarifies the factual relation of profit and income, which should be helpful to put Keen’s alternative to the standard approach on sound foundations
Marxian economics and standard economics are widely different yet they share a central weakness: th...
This paper clarifies first the nature and significance of financial profit by applying the structura...
The formal foundations of theoretical economics must be nonbehavioral and epitomize the interdepend...
Steve Keen has debunked a good part of standard economics. However, he has left standing the theory ...
All popular schools lack a consistent profit theory. Economists have no true conception of the most ...
The goal of theoretical economics is to explain how the actual economy works. Since Adam Smith econo...
Kalecki’s profit theory has always been popular among heterodox economist as an alternative approach...
Standard economics is regarded as the theory of the market system. Profit is the pivotal phenomenon ...
Neither Walrasians nor Keynesians have a clear idea of the fundamental economic concepts income and ...
Profit and its investment in productive activities lie at the heart of modern monetary economies. I...
It is common knowledge that neither Walrasians nor Keynesians nor Marxians nor Institutionialists n...
Tastes and technology are the ultimate givens of standard economics. Their interaction is mediated b...
This paper shows that implicit assumptions about the numeraire good in the Kaldor-Hicks efficiency-e...
What do economists understand about the economy if they do not understand the profit phenomenon? Nex...
Axiomatization is the prime task of theoretical economics. Without correct axioms,no correct theory....
Marxian economics and standard economics are widely different yet they share a central weakness: th...
This paper clarifies first the nature and significance of financial profit by applying the structura...
The formal foundations of theoretical economics must be nonbehavioral and epitomize the interdepend...
Steve Keen has debunked a good part of standard economics. However, he has left standing the theory ...
All popular schools lack a consistent profit theory. Economists have no true conception of the most ...
The goal of theoretical economics is to explain how the actual economy works. Since Adam Smith econo...
Kalecki’s profit theory has always been popular among heterodox economist as an alternative approach...
Standard economics is regarded as the theory of the market system. Profit is the pivotal phenomenon ...
Neither Walrasians nor Keynesians have a clear idea of the fundamental economic concepts income and ...
Profit and its investment in productive activities lie at the heart of modern monetary economies. I...
It is common knowledge that neither Walrasians nor Keynesians nor Marxians nor Institutionialists n...
Tastes and technology are the ultimate givens of standard economics. Their interaction is mediated b...
This paper shows that implicit assumptions about the numeraire good in the Kaldor-Hicks efficiency-e...
What do economists understand about the economy if they do not understand the profit phenomenon? Nex...
Axiomatization is the prime task of theoretical economics. Without correct axioms,no correct theory....
Marxian economics and standard economics are widely different yet they share a central weakness: th...
This paper clarifies first the nature and significance of financial profit by applying the structura...
The formal foundations of theoretical economics must be nonbehavioral and epitomize the interdepend...