Title: Rede über Österreich (Speech about Austria) Originally published: Rede über Österreich (Vienna: F. G. Speidel, 1930) Language: German The excerpts used are from Anton Wildgans, Zu Zeit und Welt (Vienna: Bellaria Verlag, 1958), pp. 412, 416, 421–22. About the author Anton Wildgans [1881, Vienna–1932, Mödling, Lower Austria]: lawyer, poet, playwright, cultural functionary, and journalist. He practiced as an examining magistrate from 1909 to 1911, before turning to writing full-time, inco..
Title: Die Letzten Tage der Menschheit (The last days of mankind) Originally published: excerpts and...
Title: Szózat a magyar és szláv nemzetiség ügyében (Oration on the matter of the Hungarian and Slavi...
Title: Letter to Frankfurt, 11 April 1848 (Psaní do Frankfurta dne 11. dubna 1848) Originally publis...
Title: Die österreichische Revolution (The Austrian revolution) Originally puslished: Vienna, Wiener...
Title: Österreich und dessen Zukunft (Austria and Her future) Originally published: Hamburg: Hoffman...
Title: Österreich und die Bürgschaften seines Bestandes. Politische Studie (Austria and the guarante...
Title: Das Schrifttum als geistiger Raum der Nation (Writing as the spiritual space of the Nation) O...
Title: Österreich im Heiligen Reich und im Deutschen Bund, 1521/22–1866 [Austria in the Holy Roman E...
Title: Österreich im Prisma der Idee. Kathechismus der Führenden (Austria through the prism of the I...
Title of text: Austria as It Is: Or, Sketches of Continental Courts. By an Eye Witness Originally pu...
Title: Staat und Nation. Zur österreichischen Nationalitätenfrage (State and nation. To the Austrian...
Title: Address delivered at the House of Lords in Vienna Originally published: Stenographische Proto...
Title: Sudetendeutsche Geschichte (Sudeten German history) Originally published: Reichenberg (Cz. Li...
Title: Válka Čechů s Němci (The war between Czechs and Germans) Originally published: Prague, Čin, 1...
Title: Govor poslanca Drja Wilfana v italjanski zbornici (The speech of the parliamentarian Vilfan i...
Title: Die Letzten Tage der Menschheit (The last days of mankind) Originally published: excerpts and...
Title: Szózat a magyar és szláv nemzetiség ügyében (Oration on the matter of the Hungarian and Slavi...
Title: Letter to Frankfurt, 11 April 1848 (Psaní do Frankfurta dne 11. dubna 1848) Originally publis...
Title: Die österreichische Revolution (The Austrian revolution) Originally puslished: Vienna, Wiener...
Title: Österreich und dessen Zukunft (Austria and Her future) Originally published: Hamburg: Hoffman...
Title: Österreich und die Bürgschaften seines Bestandes. Politische Studie (Austria and the guarante...
Title: Das Schrifttum als geistiger Raum der Nation (Writing as the spiritual space of the Nation) O...
Title: Österreich im Heiligen Reich und im Deutschen Bund, 1521/22–1866 [Austria in the Holy Roman E...
Title: Österreich im Prisma der Idee. Kathechismus der Führenden (Austria through the prism of the I...
Title of text: Austria as It Is: Or, Sketches of Continental Courts. By an Eye Witness Originally pu...
Title: Staat und Nation. Zur österreichischen Nationalitätenfrage (State and nation. To the Austrian...
Title: Address delivered at the House of Lords in Vienna Originally published: Stenographische Proto...
Title: Sudetendeutsche Geschichte (Sudeten German history) Originally published: Reichenberg (Cz. Li...
Title: Válka Čechů s Němci (The war between Czechs and Germans) Originally published: Prague, Čin, 1...
Title: Govor poslanca Drja Wilfana v italjanski zbornici (The speech of the parliamentarian Vilfan i...
Title: Die Letzten Tage der Menschheit (The last days of mankind) Originally published: excerpts and...
Title: Szózat a magyar és szláv nemzetiség ügyében (Oration on the matter of the Hungarian and Slavi...
Title: Letter to Frankfurt, 11 April 1848 (Psaní do Frankfurta dne 11. dubna 1848) Originally publis...