Title: Fashizmi dhe Fryma Shqiptare (Fascism and the Albanian Spirit) Originally published: Tirana: Distapur, 1940 Language: Albanian The excerpts used are from the original edition, pp. 19, 23–24, 45, 63, 90, 96, 105, 152,154, and 171. About the author Lazër Radi [1916, Prizren, Kosovo–1998, Tirana]: poet, translator, and political activist. He finished his primary education in his native town. In 1929, following reprisals from the Serbian authorities as a result of his brother’s refusal to ..
In this article, the author introduces some general views on Shejzat, a cultural, social and artisti...
Title: Stiinţa naţiunii (The science of nation) Originally published: Sociologie românească, No. 2–3...
Title: Jugoslovjenstvo (Yugoslavism) Originally published: Pozor (political daily), a series of thre...
Title: Organizimi i Kaosit (The organization of the chaos) Originally Published: In the monthly revi...
Title: Kriza politike në Shqipëri (The political crisis in Albania) Originally published: in the wee...
Title: Dubine narodne svijesti. Radić, Bethlen i Mussolini (The depths of national consciousness. Ra...
To reach the reader of 2018, Contemporary Albanian literature has overcome many obstacles and politi...
Title: Shqipëria ç’ka qënë, ç’është e ç’do të bëhet? Mendime për shpëtimt të mëmëdheut nga rreziket ...
Title: Lahuta e Malcis (The highland lute) Originally published: Shkodër, Shtypshkronja Françeskane,...
After the 90s, with the collapse of the communist dictatorship in Albania, there has been published ...
Title: Srpski narod kao Teodul (The Serbian nation as a servant of God) Originally published: writte...
After their Balkan neighbors, the Albanians embarked in their turn on the struggle for the recogniti...
The "Kosovar poets" commentary published in Tirana and these poets’ impact on the modernization of t...
Title: La nationalité albanaise d’après les songs populaires (The Albanian nationality on the basis ...
Although Arbơresh community removed to Italy since nearly five centuries ago, they continued to jeal...
In this article, the author introduces some general views on Shejzat, a cultural, social and artisti...
Title: Stiinţa naţiunii (The science of nation) Originally published: Sociologie românească, No. 2–3...
Title: Jugoslovjenstvo (Yugoslavism) Originally published: Pozor (political daily), a series of thre...
Title: Organizimi i Kaosit (The organization of the chaos) Originally Published: In the monthly revi...
Title: Kriza politike në Shqipëri (The political crisis in Albania) Originally published: in the wee...
Title: Dubine narodne svijesti. Radić, Bethlen i Mussolini (The depths of national consciousness. Ra...
To reach the reader of 2018, Contemporary Albanian literature has overcome many obstacles and politi...
Title: Shqipëria ç’ka qënë, ç’është e ç’do të bëhet? Mendime për shpëtimt të mëmëdheut nga rreziket ...
Title: Lahuta e Malcis (The highland lute) Originally published: Shkodër, Shtypshkronja Françeskane,...
After the 90s, with the collapse of the communist dictatorship in Albania, there has been published ...
Title: Srpski narod kao Teodul (The Serbian nation as a servant of God) Originally published: writte...
After their Balkan neighbors, the Albanians embarked in their turn on the struggle for the recogniti...
The "Kosovar poets" commentary published in Tirana and these poets’ impact on the modernization of t...
Title: La nationalité albanaise d’après les songs populaires (The Albanian nationality on the basis ...
Although Arbơresh community removed to Italy since nearly five centuries ago, they continued to jeal...
In this article, the author introduces some general views on Shejzat, a cultural, social and artisti...
Title: Stiinţa naţiunii (The science of nation) Originally published: Sociologie românească, No. 2–3...
Title: Jugoslovjenstvo (Yugoslavism) Originally published: Pozor (political daily), a series of thre...